In an environment in which the average person may expect to change careers five to seven times, a liberal arts education is future proof.

College of Arts, Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences

In an environment in which the average person may expect to change careers five to seven times, a liberal arts education is future proof. The liberal arts will prepare you for a lifetime of change by teaching you how to learn, how to reason, and how to apply your knowledge to real-world challenges.

Illustration of Mountain
Illustration of Mountain

Where intellectual curiosity meets societal impact.

Our college serves as a vibrant hub of interdisciplinary exploration, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and empathy. With a diverse range of programs spanning from literature to sociology, education to psychology, we empower students to understand the complexities of human experiences and drive positive change in their communities. Guided by renowned faculty and fueled by a passion for discovery, we invite you to join us in shaping a more inclusive and enlightened future.

Discover our diverse program options

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Be the teacher who inspires your students to greater heights. We pair a strong foundation of knowledge with quality field experiences. From this, you'll leave with an understanding of effective classroom teaching and how to put ideas and research into practice. You’ll learn how to adapt in an ever-changing classroom environment so you can make a difference in the educational, social, emotional and behavioral well-being of students.

  • lead to teacher certification approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education
  • are taught by faculty — not graduate assistants — with extensive experience in PK-12 schools as teachers, supervisors, principals, curriculum directors, and superintendents
  • include specialized training in non-academic barriers (social, emotional and mental health, suicide prevention) through the McDowell Institute for Teacher Excellence
  • allow for dual certification, English as a Second Language (ESL) Certificate and STEM Endorsement for enhanced marketability
  • include field experiences beginning in the first year culminating with a 16-week supervised student teaching experience
  • both the child life minor and the child life certificate programs meet the Association of Child Life Professionals curriculum standards and eligibility requirements necessary to obtain the certified child life specialist credential

CAEP Accreditation

CAEP accreditation ensures we prepare new teachers to know their subjects, their students, and have the clinical training that allows them to enter the classroom ready to teach effectively.

Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee (LACC)

CU's Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee serves as the faculty recommending body to the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities on all matters affecting the development, modification, change, adoption, and implementation of the curriculum.

LACC is responsible for acting upon curricular proposals at the department-wide level and serves as a coordinating committee of the curricular proposals emanating from all components of the liberal arts academic community. In acting upon curriculum proposals from the College of Liberal Arts, LACC reviews and make recommendations on:

  • The additions or deletions of courses
  • Change in title, number, prerequisites, or other protocol for a course
  • The addition or deletions of degree programs
  • Changes in requirements for degrees, majors, minors, and career concentrations
  • The designation of a sequence or group of courses such as general education, honors programs, or programs within or among departments

Tutorial - Liberal Arts Curriculum Committee

Filling Out Proposals for Modification, Discontinuation or Addition of a Course/Program

McDowell Institute

McDowell Institute

The McDowell Institute is dedicated to supporting the facilitation of social, emotional, and behavioral wellness of children, youth, and young adults across school and community settings. This mission is accomplished through training, technical assistance, and information dissemination.

Jimmi Simpson

Careers in Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities

CASSH Con offers liberal arts students, as well as undeclared students looking to learn what COLA has to offer, two days of panels and workshops on alumni engagement and professional development. Almost every program in the College of Liberal Arts hosts alumni panels so students learn about the rich career opportunities awaiting them. Additionally, there are a variety of sessions designed to help students think about their professional identity and learn ways to build their resumes through experiential learning.


Center for the Visual and Performing Arts

Each year, CVPA offers programs from the various Liberal Arts departments to celebrate the arts and support the connection between the university and our broader community. Featured events have included the Big Band Dance, the Personal Adornment Day and Makeup Extravaganza and the Taste of the Arts, which brings together BU's representative arts programs in an extended collaborative event.

Legal Studies class

Diehl Center for Law School Preparation

Our Diehl Center provides assistance to students about careers in law, the law school experience and how to prepare for it, as well as the application process. It also offers interactive programs, a speaker series, law school recruiting events, and trips to law schools.

Illustration of Mountain

CAHESS Contacts