Eric Miller

- Title(s)
- Professor
- Department
- Education
Ph.D. - Pennsylvania State University
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-5306
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1129 McCromick Center for Human Services
Eric C. Miller joined the department in 2013 after completing a Ph.D. at the Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on religious participation in the public square, with special attention to Christian political activism and the sermon as a rhetorical genre. He is the editor of Rhetoric of the Protestant Sermon in America: Pulpit Discourse at the Turn of the Millennium (Lexington, 2020) and The Rhetoric of Religious Freedom in the United States (Lexington, 2018). His writing has appeared in Rhetoric and Public Affairs, Journal of Communication and Religion, Advances in the History of Rhetoric, and Voices of Democracy, among other journals.
Dr. Miller teaches CS 427: Strategic Communication, CS 416: Studies in Propaganda, CS 321: Argument and Analysis, CS 209: Examining Communication, CS 205: Understanding Social Influence, CS 106: Small Group Communication, CS 104: Interpersonal Communication, and CS 103: Public Speaking. He comes to each of these with a "civic engagement" focus, encouraging students not just to become better speakers, but to think seriously about what they want to say. Students who enroll in any these courses will be encouraged to realize their potential both as thinkers and as citizens.
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