CU Achieve
The CU Achieve program is designed to introduce you to campus and expand the skills you’ll need as a first-year college student.
You’ll engage in programs and activities that will help you adapt and thrive in your academic, social, and cultural life at our CU campuses. You’ll receive focused support and guidance from faculty and staff who are committed to helping you succeed – both inside the classroom and in the University community.

The CU Achieve Program is a special admissions program for students who do not meet current admissions criteria, but show the potential to succeed at Commonwealth University. CU Achieve provides academic support through tutoring, mentoring, academic monitoring, relationship building, and academic coaching.
Program Details
Starting off strong is important! That’s why our team has set up a support network across campus to prepare you for success, starting on day one. The following program requirements are designed to make sure you’re well-equipped to excel at college, and in your career. Your continued enrollment at Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, or Mansfield is contingent upon completing all of these requirements throughout the fall semester.
- Pay your admissions deposit
- Complete ALEKs Math Placement Testing by June 10th
- Attend one in-person Orientation date
- Move into on-campus housing on assigned date (TBD), if you will be a residential student for Fall
- Participate in Mascot Days programming as assigned
- Meet with assigned Student Mentor every other week throughout Fall Semester (5/7 meetings must occur)
- Meet with assigned Student Success Staff Member at least 3 times per semester
- Attend at least 3 educational opportunities throughout the Fall semester (the offerings will be sent weekly by Student Success Staff)
- Complete at least 6 study hours per week in approved campus locations
- Attend all classes (university approved excused absences are permitted)
- Respond to outreach conducted by Faculty or Staff
- Complete work through Brightspace Program Course Shell Information as directed throughout the semester
- Earn at least a 2.0 GPA in Fall semester
- Complete at least 12 credits for Fall semester
Notice: For reference only, students will sign contract in admissions portal.
- Q. Can I still graduate in 4 years?
A. Yes, every course that you take as a first-time freshman in the CU Achieve program will count towards your graduation requirements. - Q. Do I need to attend the CU Achieve program in order to attend Commonwealth University?
A. Yes. CU Achieve will support you in your transition to college work and life, and because we are committed to your success, the program is a condition of your admission to Commonwealth University. - Q. I am a student athlete, am I still required to enroll in CU Achieve?
A. Yes, you are still required to participate, if that is how you were admitted, and CU Achieve does not prevent you from participating in athletics. It may require you to balance multiple priorities/tasks, but the Student Success Team will be available to support you. - Q. How much does the CU Achieve program cost?
A. There is no additional cost to the student just pay your $200 admissions deposit and you're good-to-go. - Q. Do I need to go to a new student orientation prior to attending the CU Achieve program?
A. Yes, like all Commonwealth University students, you’re required to attend new student orientation. For more information visit the Admissions and Orientation offices! - Q. When does the CU Achieve program begin?
A. You will be assigned a move-in date and time according to campus by Housing and Residence Life. The program runs throughout the entire fall semester. - Q. Can I request a roommate?
A. Students can request a roommate on the MyHousing application. Roommate assignments will last through the academic year. - Q. Does my roommate also need to be part of the CU Achieve program?
A. No, your roommate does not need to be a CU Achieve program student. - Q. What do the education opportunities that I need to complete look like?
A. Some examples of past educational opportunities are Par-Tee Time Management, Note Baking Skills, Navigate the Study Maze, Midterms Aren't Spooky, Release Steam with Ice Cream- stress relief, How to Work with "Monsters"- working in a group / group project management / teamwork, Cider & SMART Goals - Q. What are my next steps?
A. Keep checking your University email for more information coming soon about new student orientation days, specific move-in times, and additional program information.
- Results Matter: In order to continue studying at Commonwealth University, you must earn a 2.0 GPA and complete 12 credits by the end of the semester in December.
- Mascot Days: These days are a big deal and signify the opening of the semester for all students. It's when you actually start college, and your participation in portions of these days is critical, and required.
- Student Mentor Meetings: Our student mentors have experienced success firsthand and want to share that knowledge with you. All CU Achieve students are required to meet with their assigned mentor at a minimum of every other week throughout Fall Semester (5/7 meetings must occur).
- Student Success Staff "Check ins": Our trained Student Success staff is here to help, but the responsibility to meet with them is all yours. CU Achieve students are required to meet with an assigned Student Success Staff Member at least 3 times per semester.
- Educational Experiences: You're here for an education, so you may as well experience it! Our team will provide you with weekly opportunities to expand your horizons. You are required to attend at least 3 educational experiences throughout the Fall semester.
- Study, Study, Study: Success in college takes work and dedication. That's why CU Achieve students are required to complete at least 6 study hours per week in approved campus locations.
- Go to Class: All college students should go to class. But CU Achieve students are required to attend classes. It's the basis for all your future successes. University approved excused absences are permitted.
- Communication is Key: We care about you. If one of our faculty or staff is trying to get in touch with you, it's your responsibility to respond by email, text, phone, or better yet - stop in and see us!
- Do your Homework: CU Achieve students may have additional assignments designed to enrich and complement your academic experience. These will be posted through our curriculum platform called Brightspace. Make sure you keep up with it throughout the semester.
Additional Resources
Student Success - Bloomsburg
- Bloomsburg
- Send an Email
Student Success - Lock Haven
- Lock Haven
- Send an Email
Student Success - Mansfield
- Mansfield
- Send an Email