Strategic Plan

Commonwealth University’s inaugural strategic plan identifies student-centered initiatives and ideals to advance our mission, vision, values, and goals, empowering students to achieve their personal and professional aspirations. Our strategic statements, priorities, and commitments will guide this journey of learning, discovery, growth, and achievement.

Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)

Through an inclusive nomination process, President Hanna appointed a Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to analyze the feedback from the CU community and develop the final strategic plan for approval. After the plan was endorsed by the Senate and Council of Trustees, the SPC’s role transitioned from developing the plan to overseeing its implementation and attainment. The current SPC charge, responsibilities, and membership are listed below.


The SPC guides and assesses institutional effectiveness by ensuring that the Strategic Plan is implemented and evaluated through planning, monitoring, and assessment across all divisions and units. The SPC is central for the coordination, communication, and as a result, the sustainability of data-driven planning and improvement. 

SPC Responsibilities

  • Monitoring progress and making recommendations on the implementation of the strategic plan priorities, goals, and initiatives through supporting divisional and unit plans and assessments
  • Producing an annual report on progress towards implementation of the Strategic Plan and goal attainment
  • Providing input for developing the strategic plan dashboard of performance indicators and monitoring performance against measurable targets
  • Reviewing annually the Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Plan and recommending updates as needed based on analysis of University outcomes, new opportunities or challenges, and/or emerging strategic issues
  • Providing leadership in creating and implementing a robust system for integrating resource allocation and strategic planning
  • Communicating regularly with the University at large about implementation and outcomes of the Strategic Plan
  • Serving as a conduit of information as members cascade information to the constituencies they represent

Last Revised on 12/15/2023

Strategic Planning Process

Following the integration of Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, and Mansfield universities and adoption of unified Mission, Vision, and Values statements in August 2022, Commonwealth University embarked on its first-ever strategic planning process. This effort, which kicked off in fall 2022 and carried through early summer 2023, involved input and perspectives from across our entire CU community. CU received final endorsement of its five-year plan at the September 14, 2023, Senate, and October 6, 2023, Council of Trustees (COT) meetings.  While a comprehensive strategic planning process occurs, at minimum, once every five years, the SPC monitors the implementation of the Strategic Plan and recommends changes to President’s Cabinet during the life of the plan to address emerging opportunities and challenges.

As we aspire toward our vision to be a premier regional public institution that supports and prepares all students for success in the global workforce, CU’s steadfast efforts resulted in a strategic plan that reflects broad perspectives from everyone who has an important stake in the university – our students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, donors, and business and community leaders.

To accomplish this, many opportunities for inclusive engagement through the course of the strategic planning process were offered and included surveys, focus groups, town halls, and local assembly meetings. The fall 2023 Senate and COT endorsements provided the support for CU to move forward with action planning at the institutional, divisional, and unit levels.  Plans were submitted in Nuventive Solutions Premier and mapped to the Strategic Plan commitments and priorities. Ongoing discussion and the SPC’s periodic review of the five-year plan assures that it remains relevant as CU implements initiatives and tracks progress through the plan’s KPIs, selected metrics, and other institutional, divisional, and unit-level assessments.

Strategic Planning Timeline The strategic plan development launched in fall 2022 and concluded in summer 2023.

CU Strategic Planning Timelines

Phase 1 - Research, Design, Plan

August ­– September 2022
  • Background research and planning
  • Meetings with leadership and core team
  • Conduct stakeholder interviews

Phase 2 - Draft Initial Plan

October – December 2022
  • Nominate CU Strategic Planning Committee (SPC)
  • Partner with key stakeholders to draft an initial framework
  • Introduce web-based comment tool
  • Deploy community survey

Phase 3 - Refine and Validate

January – March 2023
  • Host SPC kickoff meeting
  • Facilitate SPC working session(s) to further develop strategic priority areas and initiatives
  • Collaborate with university leadership on key plan elements
  • Share and validate draft plan with community via brief survey and existing shared governance structures
  • Facilitate culture and communication-focused listening and community building sessions

Phase 4 - Finalize, Share, and Prepare for Implementation

April – September 2023*
  • Partner with SPC to finalize goals, measures, and metrics
  • Finalize and design the strategic plan
  • Solicit feedback and endorsement through new Shared Governance Constitution and Council of Trustees
  • Ensure the organizational structures and processes are in place for effective plan implementation
  • Begin implementation process in partnership with university leadership

*The timeline was extended through September to accommodate when the new Senate first met.
Plan implementation will occur during the next five years with regular review and revision, as needed, each year.

During fall 2022 and through early summer 2023, numerous opportunities for all members of the CU campus communities to participate in the strategic planning process were available through various forums and surveys. 

In March, CU invited your input through the Strategic Planning Framework Feedback Survey and used the responses to make revisions.  A brief presentation and opportunities for feedback were offered at the Local Assembly on each campus in April as a final opportunity to offer feedback. 

Updates will be given during town halls, various divisional / unit meetings, local assemblies, senate meetings, etc., as appropriate.  Members of the CU community can certainly offer feedback at those forums, through the SPC members, by using the feedback form in the next section, or by emailing

Should you have any questions, please contact

While a comprehensive Strategic Plan review takes place at least once every five years, CU invites your input at any time about emerging opportunities or challenges that impact the Strategic Plan.  Please provide your insights using the feedback form below.

Feedback will be shared with the Strategic Planning Committee to consider as recommendations in its year-end report to CU leadership.

Strategic Plan Feedback Form

Illustration of Mountain

Strategic Plan KPIs and Selected Metrics Dashboards

CU uses 22 key performance indicators and additional selected metrics to gauge strategic plan progress. Most measures align with those used for the State System board-affirmed metrics, the funding formula, comprehensive planning process (CPP), IPEDS comparisons, and NACUBO financial benchmarks.  The dashboard (see below) provides, where available, baseline data, targets, and current results. A few measures are still being defined and data will be added as soon as possible.