Community Government Association
Bloomsburg's Community Government Association (CGA) provides an opportunity for students to govern themselves in a democratic manner.
CGA oversees various areas including
- Community Activities
- Kehr Union Building
- University Store
- Student Recreation Center
- Honeysuckle Student Apartments
CGA also provides guidelines for administering the affairs, activities, concerns, general well-being of students under the university's jurisdiction and seeks to establish working relationships and open lines of communication with administration, faculty and staff. Above all, CGA encourages diversity in all its efforts and seeks to encourage all constituents to become involved in the governance process.
Additional Information
- Calendar - Meetings, events and deadlines related to the Community Government Association and Community Activities Office.
- Forms & Documents - Key forms and documents regarding the Community Government Association, Community Activities and its responsibilities.
Student Questions or Concerns
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
CGA Sponsored Services
Need to know where the Bloomsburg Campus Shuttles are?... Did you answer yes?... Then click here for instructions on how to get set up today, so that you can start to use this new service today!
Not working or need assistance, contact us and someone will get back to you soon! To route your inquiry to someone who can assist you, please select the shuttle related "topic" from the drop-down options.
See our calendar page for dates, times and locations, simply scroll down to the Campus Lawyer section.
See our calendar page for dates, times and locations, simply scroll down to the Late Night Shuttle section.
CGA Sponsored Events
The Big Event is a single day, student-run community service project sponsored and run by the Community Government Association here at Bloomsburg campus. It is the largest student run community service project on campus and gives our students the opportunity to help and assist businesses and residents of the Town of Bloomsburg and it's surrounding communities.
Meet the President is a CGA sponsored event provides a platform for the students of Bloomsburg to get to know, and interact with the University President. The event allows students to talk one-on-one with the University President in a comfortable setting. In addition to the wonderful opportunity to speak candidly with the President, there are often free giveaways, raffles and food items up for grabs by those who attend.
This event typically occurs in the fall on the Quad/SSC Patio.
This CGA sponsored event was originally created as a "day of dialogue about racism in our community". The event provides an opportunity to bring the students of Bloomsburg campus and the local townspeople together. Sitting down together everyone is able to discuss the topic of racism in a safe and accepting setting.
It's a great way for students, faculty/staff and townspeople to come together to continue the process of breaking down the terminology surrounding racism and work towards a better understanding of racism itself.
This event typically has speakers from various backgrounds, as well as welcomes participant conversations.

Executive Board
Elected and appointed officers of the Community Government Association.

Student Senate
The legislative, judicial, and advisory body of the Community Government Association.