Kehr Union Building
The Kehr Union Building — affectionally referred to as the KUB — is the community center and pulse of Bloomsburg's campus life. It features five stories of spacious, functional, and multipurpose spaces utilized and enjoyed by the entire university community.
- 1st floor features the LGBTQA Resource Center and Women’s Resource Center.
- 2nd floor features Fireside Lounge, Computer Lab, Games Room, Student Orgs Resource Room, Program Board Office, Multicultural Center, Conference Rooms, AV Operations and Services Support, and Hideaway.
- 3rd floor features Welcome Desk, Student Organization Support, TV Lobby Lounge, Husky Dining Services, Student Health Center, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (EMSA) Offices, Multipurpose Rooms A and B, study nooks, Student Involvement & Activities Office, Kehr Union Reservations and the Center for Global Engagement.
- 4th floor features Ballrooms 1, 2, and 3, and Lobby, Community Activities, Community Government Association, and Conference Rooms.
KUB's Mission
The Kehr Union provides a welcoming atmosphere, with quality customer service, to enhance diversity, student life, and the academic experience by providing an environment where all members of the University community can gather to participate and learn through a varied offering of co-curricular activities and experiential learning opportunities.
Student Learning Outcomes
Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg students, through participation in Kehr Union programs, activities, organizations, events, and employment, will:
- foster intellectual growth, enhance leadership development, clarify values, and develop an appreciation of a diverse community.
- foster effective communication skills, meaningful interpersonal relationships, and collaboration.
- develop personal and educational goals and career choices.
The Kehr Union Welcome Desk is a centralized student-staffed resource hub for information about what’s happening within Kehr Union Building and how to get involved with campus life!
It’s located on the 3rd floor directly between the Husky Lounge and Kehr Union Multi 345B.
The Kehr Union student staff (Kehr Union Operations Student Involvement, Tech crew, Scheduling Assistants, Student Affairs office assistants) are the ambassadors of Kehr Union who provide a caring, helping hand to those they serve each day. With a pulse on campus life, they assist with the management of the many day-to-day functions that are crucial to the success of Kehr Union operations.
Questions can be sent to storgs@commonwealthu.edu
What's found at the Welcome Desk?
- Student Club and Organization mailboxes
- Kehr Union Lost and Found items
- HuskySync organizational support
- Event Calendars and Posters
- Directional navigation support
- Social Media marketing and promotion
- Welcome Desk Lobby TV lounge
- Resources for Student Development and Campus Life
In the event a staff member is not at the Welcome Desk and assistance is needed, patrons are directed to visit Kehr Union 350 for support.

The Games Room is located in Room 232 of Kehr Union Building and offers all CU-Bloomsburg students a wide variety of activities to engage in and have fun! Included in the facility are six pool/billiards tables, video gaming systems (Xbox, PlayStation, Wii, etc..), eight flat screen televisions, wide variety of board games, lawn games, sports equipment, DIY crafts, and arcade-style games.
Daily Hours of operation are 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.
- Only CU-Bloomsburg students, staff, faculty, and their guests can access the Games Room during open hours. Any non-Bloomsburg patron must be accompanied by a student, staff, or faculty at all times if using the facility. No more than 3 guests per student, faculty, or staff at any given time.
- CU-Bloomsburg students must check in with the Games Room staff member upon arrival. Once checked in for attendance, students are free to engage in any of the activities and resources available at the Games Room.
- The CU-Bloomsburg student(s) who check out the equipment/supplies are the ones who will be deemed responsible for the equipment/supplies, proper usage of them, and returning them back in the same condition. Failure to do so may result in loss of future privileges within the use of Games Room resources and/or financial reimbursement for any damaged/un-returned items belonging to the Games Room. All equipment will be sanitized after usage by the Games Room staff.
- TV sets and room lighting are only to be operated by the Games Room staff. Request to change channels, alter tv volume or adjust lighting preferences must be made through the staff.
- Student clubs and organizations may contact the Director of Student Involvement at gkinzel@commonwealthu.edu to coordinate special events in the Games Room and/or access student org/club supplies and resources.
- Special events, theme weeks, contests, and tournaments are featured every semester in the Games Room in collaboration with Program Board. All CU-Bloomsburg students are eligible to participate.
Questions or suggestions for the Games Room can be shared at storgs@bloomu.edu
The Kehr Union computer lab is located in room 241 and houses approximately 19 computers for Bloomsburg students, faculty and staff. The computer lab is overseen by Technology Support Services.

The Fireside Lounge is a spacious, open study, and social area with various types of seating to allow for individual project work, small group meetings, and casual relaxation. It's generally considered a non-reservable space with the Kehr Union Building; however, special permission may be requested to use this facility for special events. A piano, student artwork, and vending machines are also featured in the Fireside Lounge.

A favorite destination for students, the Husky Lounge offers popular food court favorites like overstuffed sandwiches and wraps, burgers, cheesesteaks, and Bloomsburg’s own fresh bagels. No time to sit and eat? No problem! Freshly prepared sandwiches, salads, and made-from-scratch soups are all ready to grab and go. The Husky Lounge is open until midnight daily to feed those late-night cravings.
Commonwealth University's reservations system, Event Management Systems (EMS) software. provides students, faculty, and staff use EMS to search for available facilities throughout campus and submit an electronic reservation or request.
Use of campus bulletin boards
- All flyers and signs require approval in each building across campus.
- All signs must be attached to bulletin boards or other designated areas and are not to be hung on walls.
- Signs displayed on all campus bulletin boards are restricted to a maximum size of 17"x 23". Signs may not be displayed on the outside of any buildings.
- In the Kehr Union Building, fliers requested for posting must first be approved and stamped by staff at the Welcome Desk.
- Branded templates are available and may be used for digital messaging.
Digital Signage Contacts
Location(s) | Contact Person | Phone | |
Admissions | Betty Noviello | 2879 | bnoviell@commonwealthu.edu |
Alumni and Professional Development | Andrea O'Neill | 4525 | aoneill@commonwealthu.edu |
Andruss Library | Bill Barnes | 2813 | wbarnes@commonwealthu.edu |
Ben Franklin Building | Dave Celli | 4882 | dcelli@commonwealthu.edu |
Carver Hall | Christa Lamoreaux | 4526 | clamoreaux@commonwealthu.edu |
COB | Tanya Zanoline | 5298 | tzanoline@commonwealthu.edu |
CoAHESS | Jodi Fetterolf | 4811 | jfettero@commonwealthu.edu |
Comm Studies | Roni Naparsteck | 4184 | rnaparst@commonwealthu.edu |
COST | Ashley Bilinski | 5334 | abilinsk@commonwealthu.edu |
Dean of Students | Ailien Pham | 5335 | apham@commonwealthu.edu |
Dining Facilities | Ailien Pham | 5335 | apham@commonwealthu.edu |
Greenly Lobbies | Denis Stone Mary Beth Broadt | 4524 3750 | dstone@bloomufdn.org mbroadt@bloomufdn.org |
Haas - Main Lobby | Abigail Manns | 4653 | amanns@@commonwealthu.edu |
Haas - Music | Steve Clickard | 4286 | sclickar@commonwealthu.edu |
Kehr Union Building | Ken Dunlap | 2812 | kdunlap@commonwealthu.edu |
Monty's - Main Lobby | Ken Dunlap | 2812 | kdunlap@commonwealthu.edu |
Nelson Field House | Mary Raskob | 4411 | mraskob@commonwealthu.edu |
Residence Halls & Apartments | Ailien Pham | 5335 | apham@commonwealthu.edu |
Duties of Governing Board
- The Governing Board shall be responsible for devising various policies which are essential for an efficient and effective operation of the Kehr student union. The policies devised by the board are subject to the approval of the Community Government Association (CGA) and the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.
- The Governing Board shall be responsible for approving the annual operating budget for the Kehr Union Building.
- The Governing Board shall review and recommend changes, if deemed necessary, in the annual program budget submitted by the Program Board.
- The Governing Board shall review and approve/deny all requests for the purchase of equipment exceeding amounts prescribed by CGA policies.
- The Governing Board shall review existing programs and services offered by the Kehr Union. Similarly, it shall recommend implementation of proposed programs and services.
Membership of Governing Board
The Kehr Union Building Governing Board is comprised of a variety of student leaders from around campus who are involved in student life including representatives from Community Government Association (CGA), Program Board, Kehr Union Operations, LGBTQA+, KUB Reservations, Student Affairs, and Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Representatives from the university faculty, staff and alumni are also included within the board. The advisor is the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.