Curriculum Committee

CU's Curriculum Committee serves as the faculty recommending body to the provost and vice president for academic affairs on all matters affecting the development, modification, change, adoption, and implementation of the curriculum.

UCC provides procedures and mechanisms for the systematic review, evaluation, and change of the curriculum at the institution-wide level. In addition, all such procedures and mechanisms shall be in compliance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Commonwealth University/State System of Higher Education and APSCUF. UCC is responsible for acting upon curricular proposals at the institution-wide level, serves as a coordinating committee of the curricular proposals emanating from all components of the academic community, serves as a faculty advisory committee to the provost and vice president for academic affairs recommendations for improving the curriculum at BU. In acting upon curriculum proposals from each of CU colleges and other academic units, UCC reviews and make recommendations on:

  • The additions or deletions of courses
  • Change in title, number, prerequisites, or other protocol for a course
  • The addition or deletions of degree programs
  • Changes in requirements for degrees, majors, minors, and career concentrations
  • The designation of a sequence or group of courses such as general education, honors programs, or programs within or among departments

In order to improve the academic curriculum, UCC formally recommends to the provost and vice president for academic affairs changes in academic policies and practices emanating from all components of the university academic community and/or when such changes are referred to the committee by the provost and vice president for academic affairs. UCC holds at least one advisory meeting per semester with the provost and vice president for academic affairs and acts in the role of an advisory committee to discuss issues in addition to the functions listed above. The provost and vice president for academic affairs and the UCC chairperson will jointly develop the agenda and establish the dates for such meetings of the UCC.


The UCC shall consist of nineteen elected members, each of whom shall serve terms of three consecutive academic years (AY), except for the inaugural committee. As a matter of principle, membership of the UCC shall be proportional to the number of academic departments in each college of the UCC and equal across the three campuses. There may also be ex-officio, nonvoting members as described below.

The UCC shall comprise the following persons:

  • Three members of the Zeigler College of Business, one from each campus.
  • Three members of the College of Education and Human Studies, one from each campus.
  • Three members of the College of Health Professions, one from each campus.
  • Six members of the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities, two from each campus.
  • Three members of the College of Science and Technology, one from each campus.
  • One nonaligned faculty member, that is, a faculty member not assigned to any of the colleges, elected across all three campuses.
  • Up to three administrative representatives as ex-officio, nonvoting members.
  • The Registrar or designee as an ex-officio, nonvoting member.
  • Other ex-officio, nonvoting members may be added by the UCC or its subcommittees to serve in a resource capacity.

Current UCC Members

Meeting Schedule

All meetings will be held via Zoom, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM —

  • Wednesday, September 28 (Business Meeting)
  • Wednesday, September 11
  • Wednesday, September 25
  • Wednesday, October 9
  • Wednesday, October 23
  • Wednesday, November 6
  • Wednesday, November 20 (tentative)
  • Wednesday, December 4 (tentative)

Meeting Minutes

All minutes are from their academic year.

Faculty Election Procedures

  • Eligible faculty must be tenured or tenure-track. The tenured and tenure-track faculty of each college shall elect equal representation by campus. Faculty members will vote within their own campus. No more than two members shall be elected from a single department.
  • If a college at any campus indicates that it cannot provide any nominees, the election shall become at-large, with candidates from any other college on that campus eligible to run. The term of the at-large member shall be one year.
  • During the initial election for the UCC, campuses were asked to elect six members (1 ZCOB, 1 CEHS, 1 CHP, 2 CASSH, 1 COST) to one-year terms of service, six members (1 ZCOB, 1 CEHS, 1 CHP, 2 CASSH, 1 COST) to two-year terms, and seven members (1 ZCOB, 1 CEHS, 1 CHP, 2 CASSH, 1 COST, 1 Nonaligned Faculty) to three-year terms. Length of terms were to be determined by percentage of votes (more votes equals longer term). All UCC faculty position elections in the next election cycle and thereafter shall be for three-year terms, with the exception of at-large members as described in section B of this article and temporary replacements as described in section D of this article.

Amendments to the UCC bylaws

Pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order, amendments to the bylaws are subject to a two-thirds majority of the voting members of UCC.