Parking and Transportation at Mansfield
As the only department on campus that is staffed around the clock every day, the campus relies on the officers to provide many services. The officers, by virtue of their 24-hour presence, are an essential element of a university that is "up and running" each day of the year.
Parking Information
All parking areas on campus are reserved. Parking is authorized by permit only during reserved hours. Permit parking will be enforced from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise posted by signs or declared by University Police. (See Map). Permit parking in student parking lots will be enforced 24 hours a day, Sunday midnight through Friday 4 p.m. Parking permits can be purchased online at parking.mansfield.edu
Park at Your Own Risk
Please be aware that all vehicles parked on Commonwealth University property is done so at the owner’s risk. CU-Mansfield is not responsible for any theft, damage or loss of property. By parking on a CU campus, you agree to assume all liability.
No person may use university streets or parking areas to store any vehicle.
Vehicles must be parked in a proper parking space, large enough to accommodate the entire length of the vehicle between parallel white lines, measuring approximately 10’ by 18’. It is not feasible to mark with signs or paint all areas of university property where parking is prohibited.
Parking is prohibited on sidewalks and crosswalks, grassy or graveled areas (unless designated for parking), in loading zones, in service drives, at any posted prohibition, in traffic lanes, at traffic signs or signals, fire hydrants, building egress or in any other area that is not designated specifically, by markings, as a parking space, or in such a way as to impede the flow of traffic.
The speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour except as otherwise posted.
Vehicles parked obstructing roadways, hindering university operations and/or damaging property may be towed at the owner’s/operator’s expense.
The availability of parking spaces is subject to change as needed for construction, emergencies, or university special events. CU is not responsible for loss or damage to parked vehicles.
Disabled Parking
Disabled parking will be enforced under Title 75, Vehicles Law of Pennsylvania, Section 3354. Violations of disabled parking will result in the following fine schedule:
- First violation $50
- Second violation $100
- Third violation $150
- Fourth/subsequent $200
- The vehicle in violation may also be booted and/or towed, at the owner/operator’s expense.
Except for persons parking vehicles lawfully bearing registration plates, parking placards, or hangtags issued to handicapped persons or disabled veterans, no person shall park a vehicle on public or private property reserved for a handicapped person or disabled veteran where property has been posted in accordance with departmental regulations. Vehicles parked in violation of the disabled regulations are subject to towing or booting.
All roadways and traffic ways of Mansfield University fall under the jurisdiction of the Vehicles Law of Pennsylvania (Title 75) and will be enforced by the Mansfield University Police.
Disabled Vehicles
Disabled vehicles must be reported promptly to University Police by the owner/operator and a temporary permit, valid for 24 hours, available from University Police, must be displayed on the dash of the vehicle.
Disabled vehicles not parked in a legal space will be subject to ticketing and/or towing at owner’s expense.
Loading, Unloading, Pick-Up, and Delivery
Loading or unloading is permitted in any designated loading zone for a maximum of 15 minutes, provided the vehicle warning flashers are operating and a valid parking permit is displayed. If no loading zone is designated for a building and no space is available, the vehicle may be allowed to stand with emergency flashers operating near the loading entrance, so long as the operator is in the actual process of loading or unloading for a period of not more than 15 minutes.
No vehicle shall be stopped for the purpose of loading or unloading in any traffic lane or any sidewalk, crosswalk, fire lane, building egress, or similar hazardous area. It is also unlawful to park in or block a handicapped space for the purpose of loading or unloading.
University Owned Vehicles
Service vehicles owned by the university and identified by official university license plates are authorized any area parking privileges.
Special Permits (University Issued)
If you suffer from illnesses or injuries that inhibit or significantly limit your mobility and you need a SPECIAL permit, you must obtain a medical excuse from a physician. A letter from your physician must describe the medical condition, the length of time that the permit will be required, and the extent to which the illness or injury significantly inhibits mobility.
If you need a state issued handicapped placard you will find an application here.
Handicapped Parking
Persons who already have a state issued handicapped/disabled plate, placard, or hangtag do not need to purchase any other parking permit to park on campus. However, employees and students with handicapped parking privileges must still register their vehicles with the University Police Department and present their handicapped placard identification card.
Parking Violations & Penalties
Vehicles with and without a valid parking permit displayed, parked in violation of university parking rules and regulations shall be issued University tickets.
These penalties are payable to the University as follows:
- Fraudulent, Altered or unauthorized permit $15
- Disabled Space $50-$200
- Loading Zone $15
- Reserved Space $15
- Not Parked in Designated Permit Area $15
- Parked Prohibited by Signs $15
- No Permit/No Decal Displayed $15
- Not a Legal Space $15
- Parked against the flow of traffic $15
- Other $15
- Spaces designated for maintenance, assistant directors of residence life, and resident graduate assistants are reserved 24 hours every day of the year.
Payment of Parking Violations
If a parking violation issued to a student is not paid within 10 days of the date of issuance a hold WILL be placed upon academic records until paid, thus restricting registration for classes and the ability to obtain transcripts or diplomas. Mountie Money funds may also be restricted.
If a parking violation issued to anyone other than a student is not paid within 10 days of the date of issuance, the ticket will be processed as a citation before the District Justice. Additional court costs will be assessed per citation by the District Justice when processed.
Payment Options
- Online at parking.mansfield.edu
- All parking violation appeals should be sent to the Director of Police Services or designee in writing at the University Police Department at Doane Center.
- Appeals received after 10 days of the date of issuance will not be honored.
- Tickets issued for disabled or reserved space violations cannot be appealed.
- The original parking violation notice or copy should accompany each appeal to insure accurate processing of appeal.
Appeal Instructions Appeal Form
Abuse of Parking Privileges
Misuse of Decal
Misuse of parking permit or falsification of information on permit applications may results in ticketing and booting of vehicle and revocation of parking privileges for the academic year. It is prohibited for any:
- Student to register another student’s vehicle, such as an upper division student registering for a lower division student’s vehicle.
- Person to falsify facts when applying for a parking permit.
Person to change area assignment of parking permits without the approval of the University Police Department. - Person to use (or allow to be used) a permit that is not registered to the vehicle on which the permit is discovered.
Any person in violation of sections 1, 2, 3, or 4 shall pay a fine of $15 (Fraudulent, Altered or Unauthorized Permit) and shall have their parking privileges revoked immediately for the remainder of the academic year.
Students failing to abide by the terms and conditions of their revocation will be referred to Campus Judicial for failure to comply.
Towing and Booting
Towing Vehicles
Vehicles parked in violation of the university traffic and parking regulations or those vehicles causing hazardous conditions, blocking fire lanes/roads, etc., will, at the discretion of university police, be towed away at the expense of the person registering the vehicle and/or the owner of the vehicle registered.
Vehicles parked in areas that have been reserved for a special activity or closed to the public by barricades, gates, or special posting may be towed immediately, should the vehicles be parked by the operator after the area has been specifically barricaded or posted. Towing on streets shall be in accordance with the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code (Title 75).
Commonwealth University-Mansfield reserves the right to boot (i.e. mechanically immobilize) vehicles.
Vehicles will be booted after the receipt of three or more unpaid tickets.
Vehicles may be booted on the first, and subsequent, violations if the vehicle is:
- Parked at a fire hydrant or fire lane
- Parked in a restricted or reserved area
- Parked in a disabled space
- Displaying a stolen, altered, or fraudulent parking permit/decal
- Misusing a decal
- Parked after revocation of parking privileges
The boot will be removed when the owner of the vehicle pays all outstanding parking fines and a $50 booting fee.
A notice of immobilization (booting) will be placed on the windshield of driver’s side window of the vehicle. The notice warns the operator not to move the vehicle or tamper with the boot and instructs the operator how to proceed on having the boot removed. The vehicle may be towed at the owner’s/operator’s expense if it is not removed within 12 hours after the immobilization.
If a vehicle meeting the above specifications cannot be booted because of possible damage to the vehicle, or if the wheels are protected in a manner in which the boot cannot be applied, the vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Snow Removal
University Police will notify the campus of snow removal via the University radio station, local TV cable Channel 10, the Daily Digest or email.
University Police will attempt to contact the owners of vehicles that are hindering the snow removal process but reserve the rights to tow such vehicles at the owner’s expense.
Maintenance insures that the East parking lot is plowed so as to have a place to park vehicles. The East parking lot is designated as the emergency snow lot and overflow area.
Resident students who wish to leave their vehicles on campus over Christmas and Spring breaks are to park in E lot.
Visitor or Guest Parking
Visitor parking is authorized by visitor permit only, which can be obtained from the University Police Office or Admissions Office. Visitor parking is available in front of Alumni Hall and behind the Sandra Linck Child Care Center and Straughn Drive.
Employees and students with current parking permits are not authorized to possess/display visitor permits.
Transports and Escorts
The Mountie Shuttle runs between the parking lots, campus buildings, and downtown on a 30 minute loop. You can find the schedule here. If you should need transportation to or from a parking lot when the Mountie shuttle is not operating, you may call the police department, at 570-662-4900 for a courtesy escort.
The University Police Department at CU-Mansfield also provides medical transports for students and employees who are temporarily disabled due to a medical condition and may not qualify for handicapped parking through their state transportation department.
Tickets can only be paid online by visiting parking.mansfield.edu
All employees, students, and contracted employees of Mansfield University who possess, maintain, or operate a motor vehicle on the Mansfield University campus, including those with handicapped placards, shall register their vehicle(s) with the Mansfield University Police Department. If you register a vehicle you are responsible for all parking violations received on that vehicle. Online registration of vehicles is available at parking.mansfield.edu.
Vehicles bearing a permit for Mansfield University must be parked only in the areas designated for the associated permit as shown on the campus map. Contracted employees will be assigned specific areas for parking.
Lost or stolen permits should be reported to University Police immediately. A non-refundable replacement fee of $5 will be charged.
Permits to park on campus are as follows
RED ("E" prefix) | Regular full-time employees |
BLACK ("T" prefix) | Temporary or part-time employees |
PURPLE ("CE" prefix) | Contracted employees ($5.00 Annually) |
YELLOW ("C" prefix) | Commuter students. Parking is permitted in designated areas from 7 a.m.-12 midnight. ($40.00/Semester) |
GREEN ("FY" prefix) | First year resident students & transfer students with less than 60 credits. ($40.00/Semester) |
TAN ("HOSS" prefix) | Second year and up resident students & transfer students with more than 60 credits. ($40.00/Semester) |
Note: Resident students are those living in university owned or leased property. Graduate students and graduate assistants are considered students and not employees.
Parking Permits
All vehicles parked on Commonwealth University-Mansfield property must display a current parking permit. Hang tag permits must be displayed from the rearview mirror when parked. Temporary permits must be displayed on the front dash, readily visible from the exterior.
Persons who already have a state issued handicapped/disabled plate, placard, or hangtag do not need to purchase any other parking permit to park in a disabled reserved space. However, employees and students with handicapped parking privileges must still register their vehicles with the University Police Department and present their handicapped placard identification card.
It will be the responsibility of the owner/operator to notify University Police of any change (trade, addition, or deletion) to vehicle information.
The permit becomes void when the decal identification is no longer distinguishable. All expired permits must be removed from the vehicle.
Students (Fall Semester, Spring/Summer Semesters)
- You must register your vehicle within 24 hours after you arrive on campus.
- If you qualify for campus parking privileges, a permit must be purchased indicating that this privilege has been granted. You will be assigned to a specific parking area.
- Students may only have one vehicle on campus at a time.
- Students working during summer must park in appropriate student parking, and are not permitted to park in employee parking.
- Parking permits will not be issued until all unpaid tickets are paid in full.
- Complete the online parking permit application
- Fall permit application is available beginning mid July
- Spring/Summer permit application is available beginning mid December
- Employees must register their vehicles within 24 hours after arrival on campus. This registration is valid until termination of employment or a university-wide registration of vehicles.
- Additional permits may be purchased, but only one vehicle per employee can be parked on campus at a time. The permits are the property of Mansfield University and must be returned upon termination of employment or at the request of the Mansfield University Police Department.
- Permits issued to employees are to be used by employees only to park in areas designated—not by their spouses or family members attending classes.
- Complete an Employee Parking Permit Application.
Employees who are not working may not park their vehicles overnight on campus. Employees using state vehicles may park overnight at Brooks Maintenance lot.
Visitor or Guest Parking
Visitor parking is authorized by visitor permit only, which can be obtained from the University Police Office or Admissions Office. Visitor parking is available in front of Alumni Hall and behind the Sandra Linck Child Care Center and Straughn Drive.
Employees and students with current parking permits are not authorized to possess/display visitor permits.
Operation and Parking Responsibility
The operation of a motor vehicle or the parking of a vehicle on university property is at the sole risk of the operator. The University assumes no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury to any person or property which occurs on university property.
Welcome to Mansfield!
Even when you visit Mansfield, you climb your own mountain. Let us know if you have additional questions or concerns.
- Bloomsburg
- Lock Haven
- Mansfield