University Police

Contact Information

  • Bloomsburg
  • Bloomsburg Campus Police
    Andruss Library on Swisher Circle

University Police are the guardians of the Commonwealth University campuses. We value everyone in our community and accomplish our mission with a focus on service, integrity and fairness.

Our strategy is to protect life and property and to enhance and promote safety across the University through collaboration, proactive problem-solving, open communications, and the delivery of professional police services. The Commonwealth University Campus Police Department's philosophy of community policing embodies the importance of cooperation, education, and police-citizen partnerships. We equally believe every member of the Commonwealth University community has a shared responsibility in their safety and reporting suspicious activity.


  • Protect – Serve – Educate
  • Make the University a safe place to live, work and visit
  • Provide responsive, courteous, caring, and dedicated police protection
  • Promote peaceful resolution of community conflicts as a primary intervention

Campus Police Contacts

Lock Haven

Emergency Response Guide Annual Security and Fire Safety Reports

Campus Security Authority (CSA) Report Form

After completing the Campus Security Authority (CSA) Report Form, please send to the following contacts at your campus:

  • Bloomsburg Campus;;;;
  • Lock Haven & Clearfield Campuses;;;;
  • Mansfield Campus;;;;

Welcome to the Commonwealth University Police Department website. My name is Leo Sokoloski, Director of Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania Police Departments, on behalf of the dedicated men and women of our three departments, I thank you for visiting our websites.

We hope that you will find valuable insight into our police departments, their missions, and our role within the academic environment. The information provided is designed to be a resource for you with information on each campus’s crime statistics, agency news, safety initiatives, and the various other patrol and public safety services that police provide to the university community.

The safety and well-being of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors is our top priority. We are committed to providing the highest level of professional police services to foster student success and a safe learning environment for all.

Our philosophy of community policing embodies the importance of cooperation, education, and police-citizen partnerships. Our commitment to this style of policing allows us to be part of the fabric of the university community and assist us in cultivating true partnerships with you, the community we serve. Police are committed to being engaged with the university community and being fully transparent constantly improving lines of communication with students, faculty and staff.

Fostering trust is a priority of each police agency which is why we have instituted the Community Policing Officers program. Our Community Policing Officers collaborate with student groups and organizations to proactively address issues and concerns and better the lives of BU students, faculty and staff. Every member of the university community has a shared responsibility in their safety and reporting suspicious activity. By making smarter choices every day, we can build an ideal environment for a stellar education. Help us keep the University safe and a wonderful place to work and study.

It’s my goal to keep our processes transparent. We want the community to know what we’re doing and why, while also asking for your feedback on how we can do better. I encourage you to call University Police any time you encounter an issue or email your feedback to us. I personally read and respond to every message, regardless of whether it’s a complaint or commendation. We’re relying on you to perfect our process and first and foremost we answer to you, the university community. Join in a dialogue with us and make this and every semester the safest yet.

Education and Programming

Crime prevention is a cooperative effort, between the campus community and the police. To better understand how to prevent crime, one must know that three elements are required before a crime can occur. These three elements are desire, a target and opportunity. A crime cannot occur if you prevent one of these elements. You can do your part in crime prevention by not giving crime an opportunity.

The department attempts to target groups and activities within the university and provides seminars dealing with crime prevention and safety. Foot and vehicle patrols are routine. An escort service is available.

Safety Information

How to respond to an active shooter situation

  • Have a primary and a secondary escape route and plan in mind.
  • Leave your belongings behind.
  • Evacuate the area, even if others don’t agree to follow.
  • Help others escape if you can do so safely.
  • Don’t attempt to move the wounded.
  • Prevent others from entering the area.
  • Keep your hands visible.
  • Call 911
  • Hide in an area out of the active shooter’s view.
  • Try to pick an area that gives you other options of escape, such as a window or second door.
  • Lock the door or block entry to your hiding place.
  • Silence your cell phone (including vibrate mode) and remain quiet.
  • Fight as a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger.
  • Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
  • Act with as much physical aggression as possible.
  • Improvise weapons, or throw items at the active shooter.
  • If you are able to remove the weapon, secure it and separate yourself from it.
  • Commit to your actions — your life depends on it.

Information you should provide to Campus Police or 911 operator

  • Location of active shooter and victims
  • Number of shooters
  • Physical description of shooter(s)
  • Number of and type of weapon being used
  • Number of potential victims in location

What to do when help arrives

  • Remain calm and follow officer’s instructions.
  • Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
  • Keep hands visible at all times.
  • Avoid making quick movements toward officers, or holding onto them for safety.
  • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling.
  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or directions when evacuating — just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering premises.

Please Note: The first officers to arrive on the scene will not stop to help the injured. Expect rescue teams to follow initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove the injured.

Once you have reached a safe location, you likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave the area until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.

Emergency Numbers

  • 911
  • Bloomsburg: 570-389-2211
  • Lock Haven: 570-484-2278
  • Mansfield: 570-662-4900

The Commonwealth University Police Department has developed the following list of safety tips to help keep your student safe.

  1. Practice safety in numbers - walk with a friend.
  2. Vary your routine: different routes, different times.
  3. Travel well lit, heavily used paths. If you take public transportation, ride-share services, or ride with friends, make sure you know where you are going, and that you are in the right vehicle.
  4. Know your surroundings. Pay attention to what is going on around you and maintain situational awareness. This includes staying off your phone while you are moving around both on and off campus.
  5. If you are attacked with a weapon, there is no property worth your life, give them the property they are asking for (money, cellphone, etc.).
  6. Take a self-defense class such as R.A.D.
  7. Keep keys separate from purse or bookbag and have ready when approaching your vehicle.
  8. Share your class schedule with parents and close friends, make sure each party has the others phone numbers and let them know your plans and changes in plans.
  9. Lock your doors and windows (living area and vehicle) at all times.
  10. Don't drink in excess and don’t leave your drink unattended or accept drinks from someone that you don’t know or trust. Know your limits with alcoholic beverages. Have a sober friend look after others. *Remember, if you are less than 21 years of age and you report an alcohol overdose to police or the 911 center, you provide your name, location, stay with the subject until the first responders get there, and you cooperate with police, you are immune from prosecution for underage drinking.
  11. Trust your gut, if you feel like something strange is going on, report it. Call 911 or campus police to report suspicious behavior conduct.
  12. Program emergency phone numbers into your phone.
  13. University police work with their town, state police, city and borough police to keep their communities safe.

Fire alarm systems report directly to the University Police and are monitored on a twenty-four hour basis. Any fire, smoke or suspicious odor condition should be immediately reported to University Police or 911 for emergencies. Never hesitate to report these conditions, even if you are not sure there is a fire. If a fire condition exists but was extinguished, University Police must still be called. If 911 is called directly, make a follow-up call to University Police so they may meet and facilitate the fire department response.

Residence halls are all equipped with fire safety systems.

Fire Drills, Evacuation and Fire Safety Education

Fire drills are scheduled in residence hall facilities once per semester. All residents and guests are required to evacuate the building when an alarm is activated. During a fire alarm, evacuate the building by using stairs and moving away from the building to a distance equal to the approximate height of the building. Do not park in fire lanes and service roads. Drills will be evaluated for their effectiveness by University Police and residence hall staff. Resident Directors and Resident Assistants receive fire safety and extinguisher training from Campus Safety Personnel.

Residential students should review their Guide to Campus Living. The guide contains information concerning fire prevention measures and fire alarm procedures.

Smoking and any type of open flame is not permitted within residence hall facilities. This includes candles, incense or any type of fame cooking devices. The addition of cooking and/or electrical appliances i.e. hotplates, toaster ovens, space heaters or halogen lamps are prohibited. You should consult with Housing and Residence Life if you have a question about any appliance.

Fire Safety Inspections and Improvements

Fire protection systems are tested annually by a contracted company. Improvements, upgrades or repairs to fire safety systems are made when tests or evaluations indicate a problem exists. Notify University Police whenever you notice damage or a possible problem with fire protection equipment. Resident staff complete weekly inspection of all fire extinguishers making sure they are fully charged, the emergency lighting equipment and policies. Any fire safety violations will be cited and referred for immediate correction. Violators may be judicially referred.

Specific Fire Safety Procedures

  • Be aware of the exit locations in your building.
  • If a fire alarm is activated, immediately leave the building. Get others to do the same as you leave.
  • Use the stairs, not the elevators, when evacuating the building.
  • Move a safe distance away from the building, and do not congregate in roadways or service drives.
  • If a person is disabled or in need of assistance, tell responding emergency services personnel. Use stairwells as a place or refuge until emergency personnel arrive to safely move the person from the building.
  • Close all doors and windows. This will help contain any possible fire, smoke or poisonous gases.
  • Use fire extinguishers only on small fires or only if it appears safe to do so. Do not put your own safety in danger.
  • Never hesitate to activate a fire alarm system if you suspect fire, smoke or unusual heat.
  • Provide emergency responders with any information you may have about the fire alarm condition or persons injured or needing assistance.
  • Don't re-enter the building until the alarm stops and emergency personnel provide an "all-clear" message.

University Police

Bloomsburg Lock Haven Mansfield Clearfield

CU is not responsible for loss or damage to parked vehicles.

Illustration of Mountain