EMS Campus Reservation System
Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg's Campus Reservation System is based on Dean Evans and Associates' Event Management Systems (EMS) software. Students, faculty, and staff use EMS to search for available facilities throughout campus and submit an electronic reservation or request for space for meetings, conferences, projects, and other events.
In some cases, EMS also provides equipment and staffing resource allocation as well as invoice calculation. EMS has been in use by the Student Activities office since 2007 and was expanded to include facilities scheduling for the entire campus in 2014. Work to improve its functionality will continue indefinitely. We will use these pages to let you know about new developments and link you to useful resources.
Master Calendar
If you have scheduled your event via Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg's online reservations system, and your event is in a confirmed status, then your event should automatically appear on Master Calendar under the appropriate office or department. New event information is refreshed every 30 minutes.
Reservation Resources
Location(s) | Contact | Phone |
BCH Digital Forensics Lab (005) | Susanne Voyton | 570-389-4500 |
Ben Franklin Conf Room (114) | Dave Celli | 570-389-4882 |
Ben Franklin Conf Room (211) and Lab (115) | Susanne Voyton | 570-389-4500 |
CEH Audiology Conf Room (301) | Karen Diltz | 570-389-5384 |
E&G Classrooms, labs, conference, multipurpose, outdoors (Facilities Scheduling) | Renelle Wetzel | 570-389-4277 |
ERH Residence Life Conference Rooms (114, 117) | Mary Prout | 570-389-4087 |
Greenly Center Facilities | Jennifer Williams | 570-389-4004 |
HSC COST Conf. Room (G03) | Ashley Bilinski | 570-389-5334 |
HSC Biology Lab/Conf. Room (178) | Amy Hettinger | 570-389-4400 |
Kehr Student Union Facilities | Kristi Getty | 570-389-4715 |
Library Computer Lab (243) | Linda Lapp | 570-389-5166 |
Library Conference Rooms (305, 307) | Linda Lapp | 570-389-5166 |
MCHS Communications Studies rooms (1131 & 1230) | TBD | — |
Mitrani Hall & Gross Auditorium | Abigail Manns | 570-389-4653 |
Monty’s Facilities | Kristi Getty | 570-389-4715 |
Nelson Field House, Athletic Fields and Facilities | Mary Raskob | 570-389-4411 |
Residence Hall Lobbies & JKA Center | Amy Cunningham | 570-389-4966 |
Scranton Commons University Room | Christa Lamoreaux | 570-389-4526 |
Student Recreation Center, Facilities and Fields | Jen White | 570-389-4190 |
Sutliff Hall COB rooms (114, 253, 256, 257, 348, 377) | Renelle Wetzel | 570-389-4277 |
Sutliff Hall Finance Computer Lab (123), Nicholas J Giuffre Center (349) | Brooke Faus | 570-389-5322 |
Sutliff Hall Lobbies | Renelle Wetzel | 570-389-4277 |
- Some locations require Maintenance Work Orders (MWO) for furniture setup and additional services.
- Academic building and room hours are subject to University openings and vacation schedules.
Frequently Asked Questions
Example illustrated: You cannot find Sutliff Rooms in the EMS System, Calendar View (Browse, Browse all Spaces)
What to do: This view is limited and cannot display ALL campus rooms at once. Click on "Filter" on the right side and select "Sutliff Hall" from the facilities drop down menu. You can also select dates and room types here to make your search easier.

Reservation information:
- Event name
- Event day(s)
- Length of event(s) or session(s). How long is your event or specific sessions?
- Times of events
- What time do your desired buildings open? Do you need pre-opening access? Are the buildings available for an early opening?
- What time is the event actually starting? When does the performance or speaker actually begin?
- What time is the event actually ending? When are all attendees dismissed for the day? Will this be a late closing, or closing after the regular hours of your desired buildings or locations?
- Are you opening doors at a certain time to allow public access to buildings, but keeping the main gathering areas closed until a certain time (i.e. Doors / House Open)?
- Rain locations. These are separate indoor locations that would replace outdoor locations in the event of inclement weather (Requires a separate reservation request).
- Rehearsal, sound/technical check times. Do performers or presenters need rehearsal time, or pre-event sound/technical checks with facility personnel in order to ensure a correctly working setup?
- IMPORTANT: The facility technical personnel or manager may require performers or presenters to be present for rehearsals, sound checks or technology checks in order to avoid complications.
- Guests
- How many total?
- How many attendees or audience members in each room (session sizes)?
- Do your attendees or presenters need wireless network access
- Will there be distinguished guests attending? Are these distinguished guests accompanied by a spouse, bodyguard, or entourage? Will these distinguished guests require special circumstances, such as a BU security presence?
- Lodging?
- Do presenters need extra time to set up? Do they have special requests or special requirements?
- Contractual requests (riders) for speakers/presenters, performers, bands, DJs, video or audio recording of presenters?
- IMPORTANT: Persons requesting the space, location, or facility for the purposes of hosting an event are not authorized to agree to contractual obligations for that facility. Only the facility scheduler or appropriate manager are authorized to agree to contractual obligations for that (and each separate) facility.
- Service animals or handicapped persons
- Transportation and shuttle services
- Shuttle Bus Schedule
- Agenda for each day and reserved location of the event
- Equipment
- Technology for presentations or key activities for each reserved location of the event
- Special lighting
- Furnishings for each reserved location of the event – Staging, podiums, chairs, tables
- Access to electricity. What type of equipment will people be bringing and does that require more electricity than a normal 120V/15-20Amp standard wall receptacle? (see bands, DJs, and performers under Guests)
- Forms and Guidelines (see also our reservations website)
- Policies and Procedures
- CU Policy 2410
- Fundraising
- Insurance requirements
- Student Organized events
Allow up to two weeks for the approval process to be completed. Do not sign contracts or publicize any event before receiving approval.
Any event using a grill or open flame MUST pick up a fire extinguisher from the University Police, which is free of charge. The extinguisher must be returned after the event.
Contact Facilities Scheduling at facsched@commonwealthu.edu or 570-389-4277 with questions about Outdoor Event Requests.
The following restrictions apply to outdoor musical events:
- Musical events cannot take place when they will disrupt academic classes or scheduled campus programs.
- There will be no events during Finals Weeks.
- If music at the events exceed the maximum acceptable decibel level, the organization will be asked to bring it down to an acceptable level. If, after one warning, the decibel level rises above the limit, the event may be terminated by an approving authority. In addition, the organization may be required to appear before the Committee on Student Organizations for possible disciplinary action.
Use of electricity from residence hall source
- Permission must be obtained from the Director/Associate Director of Residence Life, 570-389-4089.
- What type of equipment will people be bringing and does that require more electricity than a normal 120V/15-20Amp standard wall receptacle?
Use of campus outdoor athletic areas
Athletic area must be reserved via Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg’s online reservations system. Contact the Director of Athletic Operations, 570-389-4371 with questions.
Fundraiser/Service Project Applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event, and must be approved prior to approval of outdoor space requests.
Forms are available online at bloomu.presence.io