Human Resources

Contact Information

Office Hours

Fall / Winter / Spring

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Welcome to Human Resources at Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania

At Commonwealth University, our Human Resources Department is dedicated to creating an inclusive, innovative, and supportive environment where every member of our community can thrive. We strive to make Commonwealth University not only a premier institution for learning, but also a dynamic and fulfilling workplace where employees are proud to contribute. Our mission is to attract, develop, and retain a talented, diverse and dedicated workforce, ensuring that Commonwealth University is recognized as a preferred employer of choice.

University Mission, Vision, and Values University Strategic Plan

HR Resources

Performance evaluations are performed during an employee’s probationary period and annually thereafter. Performance evaluation processes and forms are dependent upon the collective bargaining agreement by which your position is classified. Non-Represented managers, while not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, receive performance evaluations annually.

Visit the Performance Management Employee Portal (PeopleAdmin) for additional information.

Additional Resources

PASSHE SCUPA Seniority List
Illustration of Mountain

Your Campus HR Office

CU-Bloomsburg mascot Roongo
320 Arts & Admin Building
CU-Lock Haven mascot Talon
Lock Haven
Ulmer 323
CU-Mansfield mascot Mountie
524A North Hall

Human Resources Team

Zack Rogers

Zack Rogers

  • IT Technician - HRIS Administrator
  • Bloomsburg