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  • Health Sciences

CU students travel to Harmons, Jamaica for service-learning program

Commonwealth University students once again traveled to Jamaica to serve in the small community of Harmons through a service-learning program offered by professor Jennifer Bell and Dr. Amy Way. The...



  • University-wide

Convenience and Confidence: UPMC Finds it Easy to Recruit Commonwealth Students

At first, the partnership between UPMC and Commonwealth University was one of geographical convenience, but it quickly became one of trust and confidence. "Commonwealth University is a great academic...


  • University-wide

Henning Speaks for 32nd Annual Health Sciences Symposium

Dr. Kelly J. Henning, an epidemiologist, medical doctor, and public health program lead at Bloomberg Philanthropies, was the principal speaker at Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg’s 32th Annual...




Health professions students discover Jamaican service trip rewarding on many levels

An annual service-learning trip to rural Jamaica now available to Bloomsburg students through the Commonwealth University integration proved to be a life-changing experience for two future healthcare...



  • University-wide

CU-Lock Haven Health Science Club awarded American Lung Association grant to help students quit using tobacco

The Commonwealth University-Lock Haven Health Science Club was awarded a $2,000 grant to implement a Freedom From Smoking (FFS) in-person tobacco cessation program on campus. The American Lung...




Commonwealth University to Offer EMT Training

Commonwealth University Workforce Development will offer Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training at the Bloomsburg, Lock Haven and Mansfield locations during the Fall 2023 semester. Based on...



  • University-wide

Commonwealth University Students, Faculty Return from Service Trip to Rural Jamaica

After a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic, Lock Haven faculty once again led a short-term service-learning program to Harmons, Jamaica, and for the first time, were joined by Bloomsburg students.This program has been offered through Lock Haven since 2015, where students learn and serve in the rural mountainous village of Harmons in south central Jamaica.


  • University-wide

Lock Haven Students Attend National Health Education Advocacy Summit

During the fall 2022 semester, Lock Haven University community and public health education majors, Meghan Malloy, of Seaford, New York, and ​Jessica McCarthy, of Wellsboro, spent a weekend learning how to engage policy makers in public health dialogue and experiences at the National Health Education Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C.



Lock Haven Junior Health Science Major Receives Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Nu Scholarship

Madison Gouge, of Hagerstown, Maryland, has been named the recipient of the Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) Zeta Nu Scholarship for the 2022-23 school year. Established in 2018, the Zeta Nu Scholarship is...


Mansfield Respiratory Care achieves 100% credentialing success rate

MANSFIELD, Pa. – For the second consecutive year, The Mansfield University – Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital Respiratory Care program achieved a 100% credentialing success rate to earn the President’s...

