CU students travel to Harmons, Jamaica for service-learning program



Commonwealth University students once again traveled to Jamaica to serve in the small community of Harmons through a service-learning program offered by professor Jennifer Bell and Dr. Amy Way. The focus of the week was on cooperative programs with the schools and mission in Harmons and collaborating with the Jamaican Ministry of Health. CU students from Bloomsburg, Clearfield and Lock Haven participated in the program.

People of the Harmons community benefitted from a health fair, parent workshops and lessons in the schools provided by the Commonwealth University team. The team also participated in the construction of a house, which was dedicated to the family at the end of the week.

"My experience in Harmons, Jamaica with Commonwealth University was wholesome, eye-opening, and inspiring," said Brynja Winnan, physician associate studies student. "It is a town filled with wonderful people with unrelenting faith and commitment to their community. I worked out of my comfort zone each day, but I am so grateful for that because it taught me how Harmons community members experience life and what we (U.S. medical professionals) can do to help improve healthcare in Jamaica. I would encourage any person, especially those in the healthcare field, to visit the welcoming town of Harmons, Jamaica to truly understand what it means to serve an underserved population."

"Every year I'm inspired by the work of our students and the partnerships we have formed in this beautiful place," said Bell, chair of the Physician Associate Studies Department.

Plans are already underway for the next service-learning program, which will take place in January 2026. Interested students should contact Dr. Amy Way at

