Middle States Reaccreditation 2025

Middle States Reaccreditation 2025

Since 1839, when Bloomsburg was established, the Commonwealth University campuses have educated Pennsylvania residents and beyond and served as economic engines in their communities. Mansfield was the first institution to receive MSCHE accreditation in 1942 (reaffirmed in 2022) followed by Lock Haven in 1949 (reaffirmed in 2022) and Bloomsburg in 1950 (reaffirmed in 2019).  Since initial accreditation, these institutions remained committed to achieving their missions and complying with MSCHE Standards, Policies, and Procedures to continuously evaluate and improve all aspects of the educational experience and maintain quality and integrity. On July 1, 2022, these institutions integrated into Commonwealth University and, through the MSCHE complex substantive change process, continue as a MSCHE-accredited institution slated to immediately undergo a full self-study process.  In Fall 2022, nine institutional leaders attended the MSCHE Self-Study Institute leading up to Commonwealth University’s Self-Study Evaluation scheduled for 2024-25.

Self-Study Launch

In the 2022 October Faculty/Staff and November Student Town Hall Meetings, President Hanna introduced the key discussion topics including the campus climate results, strategic planning, and the MSCHE Self-Study. Dr. Cori Myers, Middle States Self-Study Co-Chair, then presented to students, faculty, and staff on Preparing for the Self-Study Process. She explained the importance of identifying Institutional Priorities that are broad and meaningful, that link both to the Standards for Accreditation/Requirements of Affiliation and to the University Mission and Strategic Plan, and that are forward looking and focus on strategic areas for improvement. She described the value of setting Intended Outcomes, both to guide a meaningful and useful process and, at the end, to assess the effectiveness of the Self-Study process.

Consultative Process for Input

Town Hall Meetings were followed by a broadly consultative process to define the Institutional Priorities and Intended Outcomes. A multi-prong process (including surveys, town halls, and a web-based feedback form) was used to gather initial input from constituencies on the draft Institutional Priorities, Intended Outcomes, and Self-Study Design (SSD), linked in the section below. The draft SSD was submitted to MSCHE prior to March 29, 2023, in advance of the Self-Study Preparation Visit held April 12.  MSCHE Vice President Liaison, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, visited and provided feedback on the SSD which was used to update the document for final submission on May 31. 

Ongoing Communication

As the Self-Study process continues, this page will serve as your gateway to information about the process and the University’s progress on the Self-Study. We will also use it to invite your participation at public meetings and to solicit feedback to posted materials. Co-Chairs Dr. Cori Myers and Dr. Amy Way look forward to engaging students, faculty, and staff further in this important process of self-reflection and continuous improvement.

At the December 6, 2024, Council of Trustees meeting, CU received endorsement of the final draft of the self-study report with revisions. Following the meeting, minor revisions and formatting were completed to produce a single, bookmarked (.pdf) self-study report, ready for submission.  During December and January, Working Group 8, responsible for the evidence inventory and verification of compliance report,  finalized the collection and preparation of the evidence and uploaded all documents and the self-study report to the MSCHE portal. According to the timeline, CU submitted the final self-study report, evidence inventory document (which lists each document by standard, criterion, and ROA in the order the documents first appear in the chapter/section), and evidence on the MSCHE portal.  The self-study report and evidence inventory documents are linked below.

Self-Study Report

Evidence Inventory Document

MSCHE Self-Study Second Draft

Following the September 2024 Team Chair visit and the CU community open comment period, the MSCHE Steering Committee revised the draft Self-Study Report and invites you to review the second (last) draft or the sections most relevant to you. Please review for content and email any substantive comments or edits to middlestates@commonwealthu.edu. You can forward your comments at any time up through November 25 for inclusion in the Self-Study Report. Once all comments are received and content revised, the MSCHE Steering Committee will finalize the document with final editing and pagination and prepare it for submission to MSCHE. Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation.

Commonwealth University’s MSCHE Self-Study Second Draft

MSCHE Self-Study First Draft

The MSCHE Steering Committee invited the CU community to provide input on the MSCHE Self-Study First Draft (posted below) from August 23 – October 1. Our Team Chair, Dr. Betsy Morales Caro, from the University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez Campus also provided suggestions for change during her visit to Commonwealth University – Bloomsburg on September 23-24, 2024. All suggestions were shared with the MSCHE Steering Committee for consideration and changes were made as appropriate. Revisions also included updates from fall 2024 census data and the Comprehensive Planning Process (CPP) September submission.

Commonwealth University’s MSCHE Self-Study First Draft

During the Fall 2023 semester, the eight working groups (including the WG for evidence inventory) reviewed the MSCHE standards of accreditation and requirements for affiliation; determined what policies, procedures, structures, and evidence show that CU complies with the overall standard and criteria; identified gaps in compliance and evidence; and developed working group reports.  Please see below the drafts of the seven working group reports, one for each standard, and the evidence inventory.  The reports, and in particular Section 5, describe how CU complies with the standards and criteria.  Sections 6-8 offer insights about strengths, opportunities for improvement, and recommendations.

To assure the most comprehensive self-study report, please review the documents (especially Sections 5-8) linked below and provide feedback using the feedback form regarding clarification on key points; additional information and evidence that may demonstrate CU's compliance; and/or gaps that may not have been considered.

The Working Group Reports will serve as inputs into the narrative of the self-study document. Please note that these reports include a similar format but have not been edited for consistent style and conventions at this time.  That will come later with the self-study document.  For now, please review these  drafts  for content, not style and conventions.

Feedback Form
Brief presentations and opportunities to ask questions will be available during each of the March / April 2024 Local Assembly meetings.  

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

The MSCHE Self-Study Design (SSD) is a document that guides the Self-Study process and the final Self-Study Report.  More information about the SSD’s content and purpose is available at this link and a description of a well-developed SSD is included below.  In February 2023, the MSCHE Steering Committee Co-Chairs invited feedback from students, faculty, and staff on Commonwealth University's Self-Study Design in advance of submitting a draft to MSCHE VP Liaison on March 29.  Feedback from VP Liaison, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio following the April 12 visit was used to finalize the SSD, which is posted below. 

A well-developed SSD:
  • Identifies the process utilized by the institution to select the institutional priorities to be evaluated.
  • Outlines how it plans to ensure that the Self-Study Report will address the Commission’s expectations including:
    • Standards for Accreditation,
    • Requirements of Affiliation (RoA),
    • MSCHE Policies and Procedures, and
    • Federal Compliance Requirements.
  • Enables the Steering Committee and its Working Groups to conceptualize and organize tasks relevant to self-study.
  • States up front the intended outcomes of the institution’s self-study.
  • Defines the approach the institution will take to engage in self-study.
  • Outlines the organizational structure of the Steering Committee and its Working Groups and how they will interact with each other.
  • Defines common formats for reporting.
  • Addresses how the Evidence Inventory will ensure that all the applicable criteria of each standard are sufficiently addressed.
Self-Study and Evidence Submitted - On Time
January 27, 2025

CU’s MSCHE self-study report and supporting evidence were submitted to the portal on January 27, 2025, right on time – eight weeks in advance of the team visit scheduled for March 23-26.   The report includes feedback received from the November draft document, input from over 70 steering committee and working group members, and the work of faculty and staff across CU. March 10-11 marks the visit dates at Lock Haven, Mansfield, and SCI Muncy, the results of which will be included in the team report delivered at the conclusion of the team visit on March 26. The CU community is invited to attend the reading of the team report, in person or via Zoom, to hear the team’s findings regarding CU’s compliance with the MSCHE standards, criteria, and requirements of affiliation.

Self-Study and Evidence Ready for Submission
January 15, 2025

As CU prepares to start up the spring 2025 semester, so too, will the institution submit the final MSCHE self-study report and supporting evidence on the MSCHE portal by the end of January. While the report and evidence are finalized, CU continues to prepare for visits to the Lock Haven, Mansfield, and SCI Muncy locations as well as to the Bloomsburg campus for the full team visit, March 23-26. The visits will include meetings with representatives of key groups across the locations and campuses. During the 12 weeks leading up to the team visit, the Steering Committee Co-Chairs will provide updates at CU forums, attend divisional/unit meetings, and host preparation sessions among other logistics to ready CU for this important milestone.

Self-Study Second Draft is Ready for CU Review
November 11, 2024

The MSCHE Steering Committee invited the CU community to provide input on the second draft of the self-study report. The report includes an executive summary with background information and suggestions for improvement which should naturally emerge from a self-study process. The introduction includes some legacy campus information but focuses more on the current state of CU with particular attention to the phases and outcomes of integration and our consultation with MSCHE throughout as requested by our team chair. The chapter is capped off with a short description of our self-study process and a roadmap for reading the rest of the report which leads into the Requirements of Affiliation. Then, seven chapters, one each for the seven standards, provides analysis of our programs, services, structures, policies, and processes, to demonstrate how we meet the standards. The narrative addresses strengths, challenges, barriers, opportunities for innovation and improvement, work in progress, and outcomes that foreshadow the end of chapter conclusion and suggestions for improvement.

CU can forward comments up through November 25 for inclusion in the Self-Study Report. Following this comment period, the MSCHE Steering Committee will finalize the document with final editing and pagination and prepare it for submission to MSCHE. The MSCHE Steering Committee will also continue preparing for the MSCHE Team Visit scheduled for March 23-26, 2025, and will share information about preparations as it is received from the visiting team.

CU Hosted MSCHE Team Chair Visit
October 1, 2024

The team chair visit included 15 either individual or group meetings with representatives that our chair, Dr. Betsy Morales Caro, requested to see. The meetings provided the opportunity to ask questions about the MSCHE process, express concerns, and share work completed and accomplishments made

The Team Chair provided some suggestions about for the self-study report and visit. She suggested that CU do the following:

  • discuss the process of integration even more and the hard work that the CU community has completed
  • describe how we consulted with MSCHE in advance of and during integration and how MSCHE expectations served as a guidepost for decision making
  • have a documented plan with specific milestones and evidence of implementation for work in progress

Dr. Morales provided other edits and suggestions, and some came from the CU community as well, which will be used to finalize the self-study report and evidence. Other next steps include selecting the visit dates and sites for visits to additional locations and preparing for the team visit at BL from March 23-24, 2024.

CU to Host MSCHE Team Chair Visit
September 12, 2024

In just over a week, CU will host its MSCHE Self Study Team Chair visit at the Bloomsburg Campus. Dr. Betsy Morales Caro will visit campus on September 23-24, 2024, and hold individual meetings with the President and leadership team. She will also meet in small groups with members of the Council of Trustees, faculty, staff, unions, and the student body. The purpose of the visit is to learn more about the institution, its people, and environment; review and give feedback on the self-study process; and provide practical advice to ready the institution for the spring 2025 team visit.

Welcoming Student Input on the First Self-Study Draft
September 10, 2024

On behalf of the Steering Committee, the Dean of Students sent an email to invite CU students to provide feedback on the draft Self Study. The communication also included three videos to help students better understand the reaccreditation process and communicate more about the strategic plan. A Middle States Brightspace shell was created as a faculty resource for First-Year Seminar and other courses. Additionally, CU Succeed sent emails to all students with links to the videos and a request to complete 3 short surveys related to the content in the videos. Faculty and staff can also view the videos and are encouraged to ask students to use the materials to learn more.

Self-Study First Draft Ready for CU Review
August 23, 2024

During the summer months, a core group transformed the MSCHE Working Group Reports into the first draft of the Self Study. They worked alongside key personnel in offices and departments across campus and with Steering Committee members to gather and vet information and data. The MSCHE Steering Committee and Co-Chairs invite faculty and staff to review the document and send comments and suggestions to middlestates@commonwealthu.edu through October 1. Following the Team Chair visit on September 23-24, the Steering Committee will review the recommendations provided by the Team Chair, Dr. Betsy Morales Caro, and by the CU community to revise the Self Study, moving toward a more final draft for submission in early spring.

MSCHE Team Chair and Team Visit Dates Selected
July 16, 2024

MSCHE has confirmed the visit dates for CU’s self-study process. The preliminary team visit will occur on September 22-24, 2024, with Team Chair, Dr. Betsy Morales, Dean of Academic Affairs, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus. This in-person visit will occur at the Bloomsburg Campus. In Spring 2025, the full team will visit from March 23 – 26. The visit will be housed at the Bloomsburg Campus with visits to additional locations yet to be determined.

Steering Committee Invites Feedback on Working Group Reports
March 19, 2024

The MSCHE Steering Committee Co-Chairs invited CU faculty, staff, and students to offer feedback on the MSCHE Working Group Reports, which present an analytical narrative; a summary of strengths and opportunities for improvement; and recommendations regarding compliance with Middle States Standards, Criteria, and Requirements of Affiliation. The Working Group Reports and general self-study information are posted on the Middle States Reaccreditation 2025 Web Page with direct links to each Working Group Report, Evidence Inventory, and a feedback form. Faculty, staff, and students were asked to provide /suggestions by Friday, April 5, on the content of the Working Group Reports, including clarification on key points; additional information or evidence that may demonstrate CU's compliance; and/or gaps that may not have been considered. The Working Group Reports will serve as inputs into the narrative of the self-study document. Questions can be directed to any of the Steering Committee members, especially those co-chairs who authored each Working Group Report.

MSCHE Update at Town Hall
March 8, 2024

CU held its Spring 2024 Town Hall on February 27 with in-person locations at BL, LH, MA, and CL and a Zoom option. Among the agenda items, a MSCHE update was provided by Dr. Amy Way, the Self-Study Steering Committee Co-Chair. The update included progress to date on collecting, studying, and writing the self-study which are the key activities to complete during the second year of the three-year cycle. Dr. Way reminded faculty and staff about the seven standards, more than 50 criteria, and four institutional priorities that CU is using as a guidepost for the study. Her presentation highlighted discoveries about what is working well (e.g., being on schedule, making progress on reports, involving students, and identifying gaps) and work in progress (e.g., addressing gaps, engaging students, collecting examples, verifying information, and having a common vocabulary). All faculty and staff were encouraged to keep the Self-Study in their conversations, especially with students; respond to requests; look for upcoming announcements; and provide feedback. Dr. Way delivered a similar presentation at the Council of Trustees meeting on March 8.

MSCHE Workshops at Campus Student Government Meetings
February 16, 2024

During the month of February, Dr. Cori Myers, who serves as the MSCHE Accreditation Liaison Officer and Self-Study Steering Committee Co-Chair, facilitated an interactive session with each student government. At the February 5 (BL), February 13 (MA), and February 14 (LH) meetings, students spent time reviewing the CU mission statement; defining institutional accreditation and its benefits; searching the web to identify the MSCHE Standards and Criteria; and sharing ideas about the self-study process. The session culminated with a conversation about how students can be involved, especially as the Working Group Reports are released in March for CU review by students, faculty, and staff.

Strategic Planning and MSCHE Update Provided at Town Hall
September 26, 2023

At the September 26 Town Hall, Dr. Cori Myers provided an update on the Strategic Plan's Senate endorsement earlier in the month and progress made toward implementation of the plan. As explained by Ms. Amy Osborne, MSCHE Working Group Co-Chair for Standard I: Mission and Goals, plan approval is vital to this fundamental MSCHE standard. Amy also provided an update on the MSCHE Self-Study Timeline for the next year and a half and reminded the CU community that updates will be provided via the web and meetings like the Town Hall. She also kindly requested assistance from CU faculty, staff, and students in providing information and documentation.

MSCHE Steering Committee Meets to Officially Self-Study Process
August 31, 2023

The first Steering Committee (SC) meeting marked the official launch Self-Study process as the core SC group includes the eight Working Group Co-Chairs. At the meeting, they received guidance about the deliverables due this fall to move the process along. The Working Groups will begin data collection and analysis, identifying gaps, organizing evidence, and drafting compliance and gap analyses reports. Work will continue this fall as the group considers how to address gaps, collects additional evidence, and drafts Working Group reports. The SC will review all reports and provide feedback and suggestions on approaches to demonstrate compliance, enhance narrative, select examples, and prepare evidence.

MSCHE Approves Commonwealth University's (CU's) Self-Study Design
June 3, 2023

Following the May 31 submission of CU's Self-Study Design, CU received approval on June 3 of the document from MSCHE Vice President Liaison, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio. He acknowledged the four priorities which will frame the self-study and the four intended outcomes which elevate the intent of CU to ensure a useful self-study process. The Self-Study Design articulates the standards-based approach to the process and incorporates the Vice President Liaison's suggestions regarding lines of inquiry and involving University leadership in the vetting and approval process. Dr. Bonfiglio remarked that CU's commitment to a successful self-study process is highly apparent. Preliminary work continues over the summer with the Working Groups poised to really embrace the full process this fall.

MSCHE Held Self-Study Preparation Visit / VP Liaison Guidance Visit
April 17, 2023

CU hosted a dual-purpose visit from Vice President Liaison, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, on April 12. The VP visited with the leadership team, trustees, faculty, staff, and students to (1) provide information to enhance the Self-Study process and (2) provide guidance on the March 9 MSCHE actions which prompted an August 1 Supplemental Information Report requesting updates on Teach-Out. The MSCHE actions also wanted to ensure the Self-Study encompasses progress on integration to demonstrate ongoing compliance with the Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation. Dr. Bonfiglio provided a follow-up letter to offer suggestions for the Self-Study Design which will be submitted in final draft by May 31. The insights shared during the visit and in the letter will serve to improve CU's impending requirements for MSCHE submissions, leverage the Self-Study process, and continue compliance with MSCHE Standards and Requirements.

MSCHE Self-Study Preparation Visit and Open Forum - April 12
March 11, 2023

CU's MSCHE VP Liaison, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, will hold an information session to help you learn more about the Self-Study and reaccreditation processes and how you can participate. Your involvement is valued and important; please consider participating in this event as follows:

What: Student, Faculty, and Staff Open Forum (part of the Self-Study Preparation Visit)
When: Wednesday, April 12, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Where: K.S. Gross Auditorium, Carver Hall, at the Bloomsburg Campus; Zoom information has been emailed to members of the Lock Haven and Mansfield campuses
Who to contact with questions: Dr. Amy Way and Dr. Cori Myers

Your presence at the open forum demonstrates to the MSCHE that we value the self-study process and have broad participation with the goal of institutional improvement and innovation. A robust and representative attendance will speak volumes. Yes, we understand that some of you will have conflicts and apologize for that, but please attend if you are available.

You may want to review the following materials in advance of the session:

We hope you join us on April 12th.

Invitation to Review CU's MSCHE Self-Study Design
February 7, 2023

At the October Town Hall, we announced that Commonwealth University (CU) initiated its Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Self-Study process. Since then, CU faculty and staff have volunteered to serve as Steering Committee and Working Group members and have provided input on the Institutional Priorities and Intended Outcomes via the strategic planning survey and MSCHE comments box. Institutional Priorities and Intended Outcomes were drafted from input gathered from this outreach as well as from the work of our strategic planning consultant (Blue Beyond), Strategic Planning Committee, MSCHE Steering Committee, survey results (e.g., climate and engagement surveys), and the MSCHE Self-Study Institute and VP Liaison.

The Institutional Priorities and Intended Outcomes are fundamental components of our Self-Study Design (SSD), a document that will guide the self-study process and final Self-Study Report. More information about the SSD is available at this link.

On behalf of the MSCHE Steering Committee, we invite you to review and provide feedback on our draft SSD, including the draft Institutional Priorities and Intended Outcomes. Please use this feedback form to offer your comments on any part of the SSD by Friday, March 3, 2023. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us at cmyers@commonwealthu.edu or away1@commonwealthu.edu.

We thank you for your consideration of this request and appreciate your involvement in CU’s MSCHE Self-Study process.

Actively Participate in the MSCHE Self-Study Process
December 6, 2022

As mentioned at the October Town Hall, Commonwealth University (CU) has begun its Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Self-Study. As an update, we are pleased to announce the MSCHE Steering Committee members and are reaching out to the university community to invite participation for the eight MSCHE Working Groups (7-8 people/group) that will lead this effort. We invite you to review the MSCHE Standards and volunteer for a Working Group that aligns with your area of expertise and interest. Working Groups 1-7 relate to each of the seven Standards, and Working Group 8 will coordinate the evidence used to support each Standard. Working Groups will begin in Fall 2023. Volunteers can click here to indicate on which Working Group they would like to serve.

In addition, CU must define priorities and intended outcomes of the Self-Study that will help guide the process of self-reflection and institutional renewal. We invite your active participation in this process. You will have the opportunity to provide your input in two ways as listed below:

  • Respond to the institution-wide survey linked in President Hanna’s 11/28 email requesting your help to inform Commonwealth University’s strategic plan. Input from this survey will guide MSCHE priorities as well.
  • Click here to learn more about the priorities and outcomes and offer your input on both.

We thank you in advance for your involvement and look forward to working with the university community toward a successful Self-Study process.

Help Inform Commonwealth University's Strategic Plan and MSCHE Priorities and Outcomes
November 28, 2022

President Hanna reached to the CU Community to ask for input on the strategic plan, a process that was also used to inform the MSCHE Institutional Priorities and Intended Outcomes. His 11/28/2022 email stated the following.

Earlier this year, we engaged you all to develop our foundational mission, vision, and values, and were pleased to share them with the campus community upon their adoption by the Council of Trustees.

We have a bold vision—to be a premier regional public institution that supports and prepares all students for success in the global workforce by providing an accessible and transformative educational experience. To achieve this, we need to develop a roadmap to help guide us in the coming five to ten years as we look ahead to address your rapidly evolving needs. As such, we are developing Commonwealth University’s strategic plan.

To ensure our plan reflects the unique perspectives of our faculty and staff, we want to hear directly from you. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey to share thoughts and preferences on your experiences at Commonwealth. The survey will be facilitated with our partners from Blue Beyond Consulting, and will remain open through Sunday, December 11, 2022.

Your input is crucial to shaping our strategic plan. I encourage you to take a few minutes to participate in this process and share your feedback. All responses will be kept strictly confidential. Should you have any questions, please contact StrategicPlanning@commonwealthu.edu.

Commonwealth University Announces MSCHE Self-Study Launch to Students
November 15, 2022

The Student Town Hall provided an opportunity for students to learn about the following topics and opportunities for student involvement:

  1. Campus Climate Survey Results
  2. Strategic Planning Process
  3. Middle States Commission on Higher Education Self-Study
Commonwealth University Announces MSCHE Self-Study Launch to Faculty and Staff
October 25, 2022

A faculty and staff Town Hall was held Tuesday, Oct. 25, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. through Zoom Webinar. Among the topics of discussion, the MSCHE Self-Study Launch was announced by President Hanna. Then, MSCHE Self-Study Co-Chair, Dr. Cori Myers, talked about preparing for the Self-Study by understanding the Standards and Criteria and, through a consultative process, defining the institutional priorities and intended outcomes. Following the fall Self-Study Institute, CU will build out the Self-Study Steering Committee and Working Groups, solicit feedback on the Self-Study Design including the priorities and outcomes, and host the Self-Study Preparation Visit in the Spring 2023.

For those who could not attend the Oct. 25 Faculty and Staff Town Hall or who want to view it again, the recording as well as the presentation slide deck and the PASSHE Diversity, Equity and Inclusion dashboard are here.

The MSCHE team chair visit with Dr. Betsy Morales Caro was held September 22-24, 2024. Following the visit and meetings with the VP Liaison, MSCHE confirmed that visits to additional locations will occur at Lock Haven, Mansfield, and SCI Muncy, though the dates have not yet been determined. The full team visit is scheduled for March 23-26, 2025. More details will be shared on this site and via email as it becomes available.