Timely Warnings

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Date Reported: 7/28/2023                                                                   Location Description: Off Campus

Date Occurred: 7/28/2023                                                                   Reported Offense: Home Invasion & Sexual Assault

Definition: Sex Offenses-Forcible-any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and/or against that person's will; or not forcibly or against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent.

 Incident Summary:

On 7/28/23 at 0315 hours, Lock Haven City officers responded to 533 Church St. for a home invasion. Possibly two unknown male suspects believed to be Hispanic or African American forcibly entered a home located directly across the street from a residence hall (Campus Village). The suspect(s) assaulted a male victim by striking him in the back of the head with a handgun, and sexually assaulted a female victim residing at the same residence. The suspect(s) fled the area in an unknown direction of travel and have not been apprehended at this time. The victims are not students, and did not know the suspect(s).

Date Reported: 1/22/2022                                                                   Location Description: Off Campus

Date Occurred: 1/22/2022                                                                   Reported Offense: Sexual Assault

Definition: Sex Offenses-Forcible-any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and/or against that person's will; or not forcibly or against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent.

 Incident Summary:

On 1/22/22 the Lock Haven City Police Department received a report of a sexual assault that occurred off campus.  The suspect and the victim are both students.  The suspect is known to the offender and Public Safety.  This incident is currently under investigation by the Lock Haven City Police Department anyone with further information should contact Lock Haven City Police Department at 570-893-5911.

Precautionary Steps:

We remind community members that interpersonal relationships can turn violent without warning.  The campus provides resources regarding sexual assaults, domestic violence, and dating violence on the web at: www.lockhaven.edu/hr/titleix

If you witness a situation that did not seem right, and did not intervene but later wished you had.  In situations where someone might be harmed or is struggling, there is often someone else who notices the warning signs before the issue becomes a problem.  University members are encourage to Step Up and get involved in Bystander Reporting.  Additional information is available at www.lockhaven.edu/hr/titleix/stepup.html

Crime victims are never at fault for being victimized.  Perpetrators alone are responsible for crimes and their effects.  LHU Public Safety offer the following suggestions that may help reduce the possibility of experiencing a crime.

  • It is a crime to intentionally touch someone against his or her will, regardless of the situation.
  • Make sure you have consent. Consent is a clear and freely given yes, not the absence of a no.  You must continually get consent for sex.  If someone seems not okay with what’s happening, it is your responsibility to check in.
  • When you have sex be sure you understand your partner’s limits, and communicate your own limits clearly. Don’t engage in sexual activities without affirmative consent from your partner.
  • Consuming alcoholic beverages or other drugs could impair the ability to make good sound decisions. If you choose to consume alcoholic beverages do it responsibly.
  • People who are incapacitated by alcohol or drugs cannot give consent. Signs of incapacitation may include – but are not limited to – throwing up, slurring words, stumbling, or not being able to remember conversations.
  • Make sure you have enthusiastic, affirmative and ongoing consent from your partner.
  • Some sex offenders target people by using alcohol as a weapon. Get your own drinks; don’t let someone continually fill your cup or leave your drink unattended.
  • For emergencies, or if you see a crime being committed, call 9-1-1. To report suspicious, illegal or unusual activity on campus, call LHUPD at 570.484.2278.

Resources Available for Survivors

  • Dean of Students – 570-484-2022
  • Counseling Center – 570-484-2479
  • Glennon Health Services – 570-484-2276
  • Title IX Coordinator – 570-484-2014
  • Roads to Peace (Clinton County Women’s Center, Inc.) – 570-748-9539
  • Domestic Violence – 570-484-9509
  • HOPE Center – 570-484-2111

In any emergency situation, or if you see suspicious activity, call LHU Public Safety at 570-484-2278 via cell phone or 711 via University phone or 911 via wired phone.

 We are issuing this in compliance with the “Timely Warning” provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.  If you have questions or further information about this incident, please contact us at PublicSafety@lockhaven.edu or 570-484-2278 24 hours a day.  You can find more information about the campus’ annual security & fire report at https://www.lockhaven.edu/publicsafety/2021

Illustration of Mountain

Helpful & Safety Contacts