Mansfield Fisheries students walking in stream


Become a skilled fisheries professional through hands-on curriculum and instruction at Commonwealth University - Mansfield.

Degrees & Offerings
  • Concentration
  • Mansfield
Program Contact
Associate Professor
Illustration of Mountain

Why Fisheries at CU-Mansfield

  • One of just three PA State Universities to offer fisheries
  • CU-Mansifled is the only one to offer just fisheries
  • Much more extensive course work than other programs
  • Curriculum is designed to achieve certification as Associate Fisheries Professional by the American Fisheries Society

Courses and Curriculum

Fisheries concentration is only offered at Commonwealth University - Mansfield.

Degree Requirements Degree Works

Note: Degree requirements effective for enrolled students beginning Fall 2023. All enrolled students, including matriculating students prior to Fall 2023, can review their degree program requirements and track progress to degree completion with our degree audit and advisement tool, Degree Works.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of fishery science, with a particular emphasis on the biology, husbandry and management of aquatic organisms.
  • Identify and use appropriate tools for data collection in fisheries science.
  • Apply theoretical and technical knowledge of quantitative (mathematical and statistical) sciences to fisheries research and management problems.
  • Design and conduct quantitative fisheries stock assessments.
  • Write and communicate fisheries management recommendations using quantitative assessment results and management strategy evaluations.
Commonwealth University


Illustration of Mountain

Program Emphasis

  • Flowing water and pond culture
  • Applied aquaculture (recirculating systems)
  • Aquatic techniques
  • Human dimensions in fisheries management
  • Management of large impoundments and streams
  • Management of small impoundments
  • Conservation genetics
  • Ichthyology
  • Limnology
  • Internship / capstone project
  • Statistics
  • Chemistry
Illustration of Mountain

Reel in Your Future

Hands-On Learning

  • Learn State and Federal sampling protocols
  • 3 backpack electrofishers
  • Smith-Root electrofishing boat
  • Multimeter water quality probe
  • Modified fyke nets
  • Fish aging (otolith sectioning)
  • Macroinvertebrate sampling


  • Close to two Federal Fish Research Facilities
  • Acid mine drainage
  • Fish life history
  • American eel abundance
  • Environmental DNA
  • Emerging contaminants

Clubs and Organizations

Fisheries and Aquaculture Club
The purpose of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Club is to plan and provide educational programs and activities for fish culture and biology students.

Bass Fishing Team
The Bass Fishing Team serves to bring together students who have a common interest in bass fishing. The team also competes in local and regional tournaments.


A Biology (B.S.) degree with a concentration in Fisheries can lead to careers with Federal, State and non-governmental agencies and organizations.

Potential Job Opportunities

  • United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)
  • United States Geological Survey (USGS)
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
  • Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP)
  • Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission
  • Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (PADCNR)
  • Private hatcheries
  • Consulting firms
  • Aquarium facilities
  • Graduate school

Program Contacts

Applying to This Program


  • Application Process

    Review the step-by-step process whether you're a first-year student, transferring to CU, or more.

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  • Scholarships

    As the largest comprehensive university in north central and northeastern Pennsylvania, CommonwealthU works hard to provide a world-class education that consistently rates among the best values in the nation.

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