InfoReady Review

InfoReady is a cloud-based environment that hosts internal competitions and internal competitions for limited-submission external grant competitions.

Each open competition has a page accessed by a link in InfoReady. 

Applications for internal competitions must be submitted to InfoReady in PDF file format by the due date.

Questions may be directed to 
212 Centennial Hall, 570-389-4322

Access InfoReady

Logging In 

InfoReady uses the CU Single Sign-On (SSO) common to other applications on campus (e.g., Brightspace). If you are a student or faculty member, choose “Log In” at the top right of the web page and enter your BU log in on the next webpage.

Be sure to log out when you are done. If you are an external reviewer or collaborator, contact the Director of the ORSP at for access.

Features in InfoReady

  • Home Tab: web page that has a search window to search for on-campus competitions and links to open competitions
  • Applications Tab: provides pages with links to YOUR draft grant applications, completed applications in review, or reviews of your applications (if reviewers allow access to reviews).
  • Calendar Tab: a calendar that shows all active on-campus competitions, workshops or other events related to grants
  • Links to competitions: These provide descriptions of the competition and downloadable versions of the supporting materials such as forms, guides, and handbooks.
  • Electronic signatures: supervisors, chairpersons, deans, and directors will receive an e-mail inviting electronic signatures. Currently, the ORSP is requiring both electronic and paper signatures as we transition to only electronic signatures in the future.
  • Electronic review: any competition may use electronic review. Reviews may be by individuals (internal or external to campus) or groups, with reviewer access to applications online. An e-mail link for reviews is sent to all reviewers of a competition. Reviewers will see pending applications for their review when they log into InfoReady.

Administration of Competitions

The ORSP has “super administrator” privileges. The ORSP can establish a competition for any area on campus who wishes to use InfoReady. Competitions may be administered by anyone on campus. Contact the Director of ORSP for assistance with setting up a competition.