Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to one's own or someone else's physical, sexual, or psychological integrity, overwhelming the individual's ability to cope.

National Center for PTSD

As an effect of psychological trauma, PTSD is less frequent and more enduring than the more commonly seen acute stress response. Diagnostic symptoms for PTSD include re-experiencing the original trauma(s) through flashbacks or nightmares, avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma, and increased arousal - such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, anger, and hypervigilance. Formal diagnostic criteria require that the symptoms last more than one month and cause significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

How can faculty handle students with PTSD?

Be sensitive to the student. If they observe the student being upset or can tell something is wrong ask the student if they are okay. If they would like to talk, step outside for a minute or if they would like them to escort them to the counseling center for help.

A student who might suffer from PTSD is encouraged to inform faculty at the beginning of the semester (the Military Resources Center can help you with this).

PTSD Help on Campus

Students who require assistance for PTSD related issues may contact CU's Counseling Center located at Student Services Center 240. The counselors are willing and able to help any student in crisis and will do everything in their power to ensure that every student need is met. Additionally, the Military Resources Center can assist with connecting military students to additional resources.