Military and Veteran Resources


Contact Information

Office Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Commonwealth University is the destination for hundreds of military students.

What makes CU different from many other colleges and universities is our unique appreciation for the fact that military students have different needs and attributes than non-military students. The centerpiece of our efforts is the Office of Military and Veterans Resources, or as we like to call it — The Military Office.

The Military Office

PA National Guard Associations - Guard Friendly School Logo

Staffed by current and former military members who are using the same benefits you are, they will assist you in maximizing your benefits, getting assistance with financial aid, or helping with your military or civilian career goals and aspirations.

  • Military Academic Credit Review Board (MAC-RB) – An individualized process which ensures military service and experience is acknowledged as appropriate academic credit. This process is innovative, even path-breaking. It exists nowhere else in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Only a handful of colleges and universities nationwide are doing anything so service-intensive and academically grounded to support military students and veterans.
  • GI Bill Certifying Officials
  • Military specific programming, guest speakers, and events created specifically with military members in mind.
  • All military members who have graduated entry training receive two credits in healthy living which satisfies one of the 10 general education goals.
  • A co-curricular learning experience (CLE) specifically for military members who have experience with other cultures (usually in the form of a deployment) — This CLE earns 2 out of the 5 points needed for the cultures and diversity general education requirement — and it's FREE!
  • Active Duty Activation Policy
    Student-veterans who are called to active duty status (deployment, mobilization, enlistment) and must withdraw from the university should contact the Registrar's Office at as soon as possible to request a military withdrawal.  The student must provide activation orders. The Registrar’s Office will provide the student with guidance on the steps required to withdraw. Students may be charged for room and board only for the time they lived in campus housing or utilized a meal plan if deployed within a term. Grades will not be awarded for a partial term, including a W for Withdrawal, if deployment occurs before a term is concluded. The Registrar’s Office will also provide guidance upon withdrawal on the process to return to the University after activation.  Students will contact when they are ready to readmit.  Students will be readmitted to the same program as before deployment or a similar program if that program is no longer offered.  The student will have the same enrollment status, (unless another status is chosen by the student), the same number of credits and the same academic standing.

Military Resources Center

One of the most common issues veterans face after coming home from a military deployment or after leaving active service is a sense of being lost and alone. The Military Resources Center is a safe place for current and former military members and military supporters.

The Military Resource Center is staffed by current and former military members who are knowledgeable of specific military needs and solutions, and will do whatever it takes to resolve any issues. The Military Resources Center is located in Student Services Center 013 and is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Stop by for free coffee and to get to know your military network.

The Cohen Mental Health Clinic provides no-cost mental health care to post 9-11 Veterans and their families.

Penn Medicine Logo-Banner

Learn more  about the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic

Referral Services

In addition to the Military Resources Center, Bloomsburg University offers a number of resources, which any student, including military students, may contact if they are having any issues or concerns. 

Some such resources are:

OMVR Contacts

Columbia County VA Clinic – Bloomsburg / Buckhorn
  • 570-316-4116
  • 225 Columbia Mall Dr, Bloomsburg, PA 17815
  • Covers medical care for local VA.
VA Vet Center – Williamsport
  • 570-327-5281
  • 49 East 4th St, Williamsport, PA 17701
  • Covers Combat related care for PTSD, Alcohol Counseling for Combat Vets, Marriage Counseling for Combat Vets, and Military Sexual Trauma for all Military and Veterans
VFW Post 804 – Bloomsburg
  • 570-784-9904
  • 1258 Millville Rd. Bloomsburg, PA 17815
  • Covers assistance for Vets for comp & pen, and other Military related services.
American Legion Post 273 – Bloomsburg
  • 570-790-3796
  • 110 Juniper St. Bloomsburg, PA 17815
  • Covers assistance for Vets for comp & pen, and other Military related services.

County Offices

  • 570-387-6501
  • 11 West Main St. Bloomsburg, PA 17815
  • 570-706-3960
  • 2009 Wyoming Ave. Forty Fort, PA 18704
  • 570-327-2365
  • Executive Plaza 330 Pine Street Williamsport, PA 17701 / Suite 401
Illustration of Mountain
Army ROTC logo


Army ROTC prepares college students for military service as commissioned officers in the active Army, or part-time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard.

Airforce ROTC Logo

Air Force ROTC

Air Force ROTC provides students the opportunity to develop and practice leadership and team-building skills, along with a wide range of professional qualities that will be beneficial no matter what career path they choose.

Student Veterans Association pose for photo at Commonwealth University - Bloomsburg

Student Veterans Association

BUSVA is a social, educational and community service-led organization that provides services, support and opportunities for military students and military supporters who attend the university.

Connect with Our Professionals

CommonwealthU University Employee

Judy Rostucher

  • Administrative Assistant - ACT 101/Military
  • Bloomsburg