Institute for Culture and Society


Contact Information

The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) promotes research, scholarship, and the creative and performing arts in the College of Arts, Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences at Commonwealth University.

The Institute organizes lectures, presentations, and performances that explore and elucidate aspects of human culture and society. Through such events, the ICS works to share the intellectual and creative achievements of COAHESS faculty and students with the Commonwealth University community and with the regional community.

The Institute for Culture and Society also hosts the COAHESS Digital Humanities Initiative. The Digital Humanities Initiative facilitates digital projects that explore and elucidate aspects of human culture and society and that involve interdisciplinary cooperation between faculty, students, and members of the community.

Institute Information

The Institute for Culture and Society of the College of Liberal Arts at Commonwealth University was created in 2001 to promote scholarly research, creative activity, and educational excellence in the liberal arts. Hsien-Tung Liu, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, worked collaboratively with department chairs to found the Institute. Start-up funding for the Institute was contributed by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, by the fourteen departments that make up the College, and by the Special Initiatives Fund of the College. Since then, the Institute and its programs have been supported through the College of Liberal Arts.

In pursuit of its mission of fostering and publicizing scholarship and creative work in the liberal arts, the ICS has established a long-standing Faculty Lecture Series and hosts annual symposia on special topics called the “Bloomsburg Explores” series. It also organizes special programs and events, honors outstanding faculty through the ICS Awards, and facilitates special grants for faculty who attend the Vermont Studio Center. Since 2013, the ICS has been leading the Digital Humanities initiative, an incubator for digital projects in the liberal arts.
The ICS membership is made up of representatives from all departments in the College of Liberal Arts. It is administered by an Executive Director.

The following faculty members have served as Executive Director:

  • David Fazzino
  • Michael C. Hickey, 2013-2016
  • Sue O’Donnell and Christina Francis (co-Directors), Spring 2013
  • Pamela Donovan, 2010-2012
  • Marion Mason, 2008-2010
  • Gary Hardcastle, 2005-2007
  • James Douthit, 2003-2005
  • William Hudon, 2001-2003
Illustration of Mountain

Program Contacts


Jennifer Oast

  • Professor and Assistant Chair of the Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy
  • Bloomsburg