Budget Office


Contact Information

The Budget Office manages the University’s budget planning process in support of the educational mission and strategic plan.

Strategic Plan and Strategy

It is the responsibility of the Budget Office to provide timely and accurate information to the University community concerning resource planning and budgeting.

The Budget Office is responsible for the development and monitoring the University’s fiscal year  budgets and for preparation of the Comprehensive Planning Process (CPP) document for the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) that becomes part of the State System’s Commonwealth appropriation request.

Budget Resources

Full details available on:

Accounts Payable

Business Intelligence (BI) and SAP

Business Intelligence (BI) - Web Application for Funds Center Reporting

For assistance understanding and navigating the BI reports, visit the following support documents:

BL Training Video

Budget Control System (BCS) Training Materials

Business Intelligence (BI)

Illustration of Mountain
