Lock Haven Students Gain Industry Insight from Experiential Learning Opportunities in Cleveland
Lock Haven
In early March, four Commonwealth University-Lock Haven sport management students traveled to Cleveland, Ohio, to attend the Cleveland Cavaliers Sport Business and Data Analytics pre-game panel.

The Cleveland Cavaliers hosted their first Sport Business and Data Analytics night on March 6, prior to their game with the Boston Celtics. Lock Haven students Deegan MacLeod, of New Cumberland; Hannah Possinger, of East Stroudsburg; Paige Yingst, of Carlisle; and Hailey Farr, of Mehoopany, along with their professor, Dr. Peter Campbell, attended the pre-game event, where they had the opportunity to network with other sport management students and Cleveland Cavaliers personnel.
Angelo Hronis, a 2018 Lock Haven sport management graduate and current senior manager of business development with the Cavaliers, met with students about his journey from The Haven to the NBA.
While in Cleveland, the students also toured the Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Guardians facilities and connected with staff from both organizations.
"I learned a lot about different careers that I never really thought about in sports, since I'm still figuring out what exact role I want to pursue within the industry," said Yingst, a freshman. "This experience definitely opened my eyes to lots of possibilities."
Providing sport management students with experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom is a core value of the sport management program at Commonwealth University-Lock Haven.
"Attending events outside of the classroom is important for students' professional development as well as networking opportunities to help them build their resume and stand out as they enter the sport industry," Campbell said.
For more information on the sport management program at Lock Haven, visit lockhaven.edu/sportadmin or contact Campbell, Sport Studies Department chair, at pcampbel@commonwealthu.edu.