Lock Haven Communication Department Holds Awards Ceremony
Lock Haven
The Commonwealth University-Lock Haven communication department recently held its annual awards ceremony, celebrating distinguished student and alumni achievements in the communication program.

Formerly known as the Rebecca Gross Awards, the Communication Department Awards ceremony was hosted by the Lambda Pi Eta Communication Honors Society on Friday, April 21 in the Durrwachter Alumni Conference Center.
"The Rebecca Gross Awards began in 1981 as a way to recognize the outstanding work our students do as well as recognize alumni," said Dr. Matt Girton. This was the first year the ceremony was hosted by Lambda Pi Eta.
The Dr. Saundra K. Memorial Hybels Awards were presented to Dan Stoner, a rising sophomore from Gettysburg; Alison Rancont, a rising junior from Freeland; and Ashley Lawson, a rising senior from Limerick. The recipients of these awards must excel in the field of journalism and mass communication, be involved in the Lock Haven campus community, and have a minimum grade point average of 2.5.
The Margaret Ann Brown Memorial Scholarship was presented to Lizabeth Kasmer, of Glenside. This scholarship is given to the junior communication media student who attains the highest grade point average. Kasmer has a triple focus in electronic media, advertising and public relations, and journalism. She is the secretary of HavenScope and WLHU Radio, the chapter president of Turning Point USA, and vice president of Lambda Pi Eta. Her career goal is to become a news anchor.
The Lisa Riede Award, given to the communication student in the organizational and presentational track with the greatest GPA, was presented to Whitney Harshbarger, of Lewistown, a third-year student and a member of Lambda Pi Eta and HavenScope.
The Rebecca Gross Outstanding Senior Award, a recognition of a senior student with a 3.0 GPA or higher, has had service to student media, and has been involved with other communication-related activities on campus or in the local community, was given to Dalton Fisher, of White Deer. Fisher is majoring in communication with a focus in electronic media. He is the treasurer of HavenScope and a member of Lambda Pi Eta.
This year's alumni winner was Jason Beach Miller, a 2006 graduate. He is the vice president of customer and segment strategy for Highmark Inc. in Cleveland, Ohio. He is the founder of Highmark Sales University, the Highmark sales training function. He has a passion for helping others in their professional development and has pursued executive coaching certification at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.