Communication studies class recognized by Gift of Life organization

The communications studies spring Communication Health Campaigns class of professor Mary King was recognized by the Gift of Life Donor program for registering the most new donors during its Spring 2022 awareness challenge.
During the spring semester, the Communication Health Campaigns class participated in the Gift of Life College Challenge to raise awareness about organ donation and encourage members of the campus community to register as organ donors.
As part of its efforts, the class of communication studies majors and health communication minors, gave a presentation at Comm Studies Communication Day program, held a fundraiser at MOD Pizza in Selinsgrove, and were visible at tabling events all over campus.
“I am very proud of all our students who took part in this very worthwhile effort,” said Dr. King. “Most college students are not aware of the need for organ donors, and for our students to get 189 of their fellow Huskies to commit to organ donation is commendable.”
A record 18 schools participated in the challenge, with the BU Communication Health Campaigns class recognized for recording 189 new donor registrations. That recognition came with a cash prize of $500. The students donated half of the money back to the Gift of Life organization, while the remaining funds will be used to support student activities and projects in the Department of Communication Studies.