Female playing pool at Mansfield

Undergraduate Student Fees

Cost Estimator Graduate Tuition and Fees

2024/2025 In-State Fees

 BloomsburgLock HavenMansfieldClearfield
Academic Enhancement Fee$826$826$826$826
Academic Enhancement Fee per credit$35$35$35$35
Technology Fee$478$478$478$478
Technology Fee per credit$20$20$20$20
Student Services Fee$1,462$1,462$1,462$1,462
Student Services Fee per credit$61$61$61$61
Activity Fee$534$534$920$534
Activity Fee per credit$23$23$39$23
Total per year$3,300$3,300$3,686$3,300

2024/2025 Out-of-State and International Fees

 BloomsburgLock HavenMansfieldClearfield
Academic Enhancement Fee$826$826$826$826
Academic Enhancement Fee per credit$35$35$35$35
Technology Fee$728$728$728$728
Technology Fee per credit$30$30$30$30
Student Services Fee$1,996$1,996$1,996$1,996
Student Services Fee per credit$84$84$84$84
Activity Fee$534$534$920$534
Activity Fee per credit$23$23$39$23
Total per year$3,550$3,550$3,936$3,550

Disclaimer: Costs are subject to change without notice and are dependent upon the action of the Board of Governors of the State System of Higher Education and the Commonwealth University Council of Trustees. These numbers are subject to change when 2023-2024 rates are finalized in July 2023.

Student Fee Definitions

At Commonwealth University, student success is our top priority. The Academic Enhancement fee is used to expand academic excellence by supporting instructional operations, equipment, learning materials, and academic facility upgrades to ensure you have everything you need to excel in and out of the classroom.

The Information Technology fee helps our students access the latest emerging technology in the classroom and supports our campus network infrastructure to enhance learning while ensuring you have cutting edge preparation for technological skills needed in your future career.

At Commonwealth University, your education goes beyond academics. The Student Services fee supports many of the other unique aspects of campus life to help you make the most of your college experience.

  • Health and Wellness: Part of being a successful student is making sure you are healthy. This fee includes access to the health center, counseling services, educational and preventative programs, and wellness initiatives to help you thrive.
  • Student Recreation Center: Work hard, play hard. Everyone needs to blow off steam. Plus, physical activity can help your brain! The Rec Center fee supports campus fitness and recreation centers and their programming, including classes and intramural sports.
  • Student Union: This on-campus facility belongs to students and student groups. It's your go-to location to host conferences, study groups, club and organization meetings, and more. The Student Union fee helps support student spaces on campus to make the most of your college experience.
  • Student Success: Going to college can be challenging. We make sure that you have access to all the resources you need to be workforce ready. Your success is our success. This fee supports services such as academic advisement, supplemental learning, and tutoring.
  • Student Transportation: The Student Transportation fee helps maintain a fleet of modern, safe, and reliable campus vehicles to provide convenient transportation for all students throughout the academic year and includes shuttle buses to transport you in and around your campus and surrounding community.

At CU, students have a voice. Your student government representatives work hard to represent you, and use these fees to set rates, allocate funds, and oversee budgets for a wide variety of campus activities, clubs, and organizations to help make your campus experience what you and your classmates envision.