Activities and Organizations
The Clearfield Activity Board offers students the chance to involve themselves with the campus and their peers in exciting ways.

Help Shape the Student Experience
Joining C.A.B. is a fulfilling experience which allows students to socialize, collaborate, and enrich themselves as they interface with the community. Coming aboard gives you the chance to truly get the most out of student life and actively engage with the Commonwealth University-Clearfield campus culture.
The Chance to Do More
C.A.B. members are responsible for planning activities for the student body, whether on campus or not. Additionally, they hold the power to help shape the student experience at Commonwealth University Clearfield for themselves and others.
Your chance to do more is here. What are you waiting for?
Discover the path of a Bald Eagle!

Clubs and Organizations
CU-Clearfield clubs and organizations offer more than an outlet from your studies, they’re a great way to build the skills and experience many employers want in an employee.

C.A.B Happenings
From planning events to socializing in the C.A.B. Lounge (open to all students, affiliated or not), the Clearfield Activity Board maintains a fun and casual experience for those who choose to join while giving the opportunity to help make a difference in student life and campus culture.

Student Involvement
Among the Bald Eagles, you get to expand your education by getting involved with the Clearfield campus community!