Wai Kwan (Elaine) Lau

- Title(s)
- Professor
- Department
- Education
Ph.D., University of North Texas
M.B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
B.A., Hunan University, China
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-5224
- Send an Email
303 Sutliff Hall
An important aspect of my teaching philosophy is to focus on creatively combining textbook concepts and real world applications and making the learning environment exciting, challenging, and enjoyable. I believe that education is a two-way road. As we teach students, we also learn from them. I am rewarded by knowing that my students are more knowledgeable in the subject than when they started off, by helping students achieve their academic and career goals, and by gaining confidence as I strive to continuously improve my teaching skills. Nonetheless, teaching effectively is a lifelong learning process…
- MGMT 515- Principled Leadership, Ethics, and Professional Development
- MGMT 582-HR Skills for Managers
Representative Refereed Journal Publications
- Lau, W.K., Li, Z., & Okpara, J. (2019). An Examination of Three-way Interactions of Paternalistic Leadership in China, Asia Pacific Business Review, 26(1), 32-49.
- Lau, W.K., Pham, N.L.T, & Nguyen, L.D. (2019). Remapping the construct of paternalistic leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(7), 764-776.
- Zhu, W.C., Jin, Y., Lau, W. K., & Welch, S. (2020). How Harmonious Family Encourages Individuals to Enter Entrepreneurship: Based on Conservation Theory of Resource, International Journal of Conflict Management, 31(3), 333-351.