Tracey Cummings


CommonwealthU University Employee
Professor of English and Philosophy

Ph.D., English (specializing in 19th-century American literature), Lehigh University

M.A., English, Lehigh University

B.A., English, King’s College 

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • Composition
  • Introduction to Literature
  • American Literature before the Civil War
  • America’s Haunted Texts
  • Death in 19th-Century American Literature and Culture
  • Text and the City: Stories of NYC
  • Hawthorne, Thoreau, and Alcott

Areas of Expertise

  • 19th-century American literature
  • Composition and Rhetoric
  • Contemporary American Literature

Courses Developed

  • America’s Haunted Texts
  • Death in 19th-Century American Literature and Culture
  • Text and the City: Stories of NYC
  • Hawthorne, Thoreau, and Alcott

Research Areas

  • 19th-century American literature

Articles Published

“’Upon a Scaffold Hye’: Absolon as Herod” in the collaborative article "Dramatic Intertextuality in the Miller's Tale: Chaucer's Use of Characters from Medieval Drama as Foils for John, Alisoun, Nicholas, and Absolon," Volume 3 (March 1996) of Chaucer Yearbook: A Journal of Late Medieval Studies

“The Importance of the Bee as Symbol in Thoreau’s Walden and Alcott’s Work.” Insects and Texts: Spinning Webs of Wonder.  Explora International Conference Proceedings.  Toulouse, France: Toulouse Natural History Museum, 2010. 280-90. Print.