Todd Nesbitt


Professor of the Department of Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences

Ph.D. 1997, West Virginia University

Contact Information

Research Areas

  • Appalachia
  • Globalization
  • Political Ecology - Environmental Geography

Articles Published

  • Nesbitt, J. Todd (2012) Southern West Virginia and the Contradictions of Coal. Review essay of Removing Mountains: Extracting Nature and Identity in the Appalachian Coalfields, by Rebecca R. Scott (2010).  University of Minnesota Press, 271pp.  In Appalachian Journal.  Fall-Winter, Vol. 31. N.1-2.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd (2009) Review of In Search of Ulster-Scots Land: The Birth and Geotheological Imagings of a Transatlantic People, 1603-1703, by Barry Aron Vann. University of South Carolina Press, 252pp.  In Appalachian Journal. Fall-Winter, V. 37, N.1-2.  
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd (2009) Review of Two Continents, One Culture: The Scotch-Irish in Southern Appalachia, by Stephen Brown, Elizabeth Hirschman, and Paulene Maclaran. West Virginia University Press. In West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies. V.3, N.1, pp. 124-126.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd (2008) “The True Cost of Coal” in The Hemlock. V.2, I.3. (November).  Note: This is a non-refereed publication.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd “Material Culture” In The Encyclopedia of West Virginia (2006), The West Virginia Humanities Council.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd “Livestock” In The Encyclopedia of West Virginia (2006), The West Virginia Humanities Council.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd “Environmental Programs Advocacy - Citizen Groups” In Encyclopedia of Appalachia (2006), University of Tennessee Press.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd “Environmental Programs Advocacy - Governmental Programs”, In Encyclopedia of Appalachia (2006), University of Tennessee Press.  
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd (2005) Review of To Move a Mountain: Fighting the Global Economy in Appalachia, by Eve S. Weinbaum (2004).  The New Press.   In The Pennsylvania Geographer. V. 43, N. 1, pp. 107-109.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd  (2003) Review of Culture, Environment, and Conservation in the Appalachian South, by Benita J. Howell (Edt.) Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 203pp.  In Journal of Appalachian Studies, Spring, V.9, N.1.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd and Daniel Weiner (2001) “Conflicting Environmental Imaginaries and the Politics of Nature in Central Appalachia” Geoforum. V.32 (3), pp.333-349.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd (2000) “Ethnography and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) in Central Appalachia” Journal of Appalachian Studies, V.6, N.1 & 2, Spring/Fall, pp.49-70.
  • Nesbitt, J. Todd (2000) Review of Where There Are Mountains: An Environmental History of the Southern Appalachians, by Donald Edward Davis, Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2000; 320pp . In Journal of Appalachian Studies, V.6, N.1 & 2, Spring/Fall, pp.224-226