Tina Delahunty


CommonwealthU University Employee
Assistant Professor of Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences

Ph.D., Geography — University of Florida

M.A., Geography — Florida Atlantic University

Contact Information

GIS, Remote Sensing, and Land Cover Change

Her research interests include spatial and temporal analysis of Holocene land cover and environmental change using remote sensing, GIS, and palynology.

Selected Recent Publications

2018. Muharam, F.M., Delahunty, T., and Mass, S.J. "Evaluation of nitrogen treatment effects on the reflectance of cotton at different spatial scales." International Journal of Remote Sensing. Published online: 02 August. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01431161.2018.1488286.

2017. Pitt, A.L., Shinskie, J.L., Tavano, S.M., Delahunty, T., and Spear, S.F. “Decline of giant salamander assessed with historical records, environmental DNA, and multi-scale habitat data." Freshwater Biology. 62(6): 967-976.

2016. Liu, Ying, Delahunty, T., Zhao, Naixhou, and Cao, Guofeng. "These lit areas are undeveloped: Delimiting China's urban extents from thresholded nighttime light imagery." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 50(2016): 39-50.