Tim Rumbough

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Ph.D., Speech Communication — Florida State University
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4897
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Waller 14A
Dr. Rumbough earned his Ph.D. in Speech Communication from Florida State University and joined the department in 1993. He teaches courses such as: Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Communication Theory, Nonverbal Communication, and Computer Applications for Professional Communicators. His research primarily examines computer-mediated communication. His latest research project is exploring how social media (such as twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube) is being used in times of disaster to disseminate disaster-related information from both authorities and nonofficial sources. He has published in Communication Research Reports, the Journal of Communication Studies, Educause Quarterly, College and University Media Review, Communication Teacher, the New Jersey Journal of Communication, and the Journal of Information Ethics. His research has been featured in news sources such as BBC-online, Newsweek.com, and the Chronicle of Higher Education. He was selected for Who's Who in America. He has presented papers on a variety of communication topics at international, national, and regional conferences. He has served as a program planner for the Communication Association of Pennsylvania and for the Eastern Communication Association. He has designed web sites for the Department and other organizations. He is a former Chairperson of the Department of Communication Studies. He is also the former Interim Director of Academic Advising. He has served on a wide variety of university-wide committees such as the Technology Planning Committee, Tenure Committee, Sabbatical Committee, Promotion Committee and served as a delegate to APSCUF's legislative assembly. He has served as the faculty advisor for the Bloomsburg University Tennis Club. Dr. Rumbough received the Dean’s Salute to Excellence Award in 2013.