Thomas Zalewski


Thomas Zalewski
Professor of Audiology, Coordinator for the AuD Program, Interim Chair of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

B.S., Communication Disorders, 1987, Bloomsburg University

M.S., Audiology, 1988, Bloomsburg University

Ph.D., Audiology, 2001, New York University

Contact Information

Thomas Zalewski, Ph.D., CCC-A is a Professor of Audiology at Bloomsburg-Commonwealth University and is the Doctorate of Audiology Program Coordinator. He teaches audiology courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition to teaching, he sees audiology patients at the Bloomsburg-Commonwealth University Speech and Hearing Clinic. His research interests include central auditory processing disorders and tinnitus. He is the coauthor of the Buffalo Model Questionnaire – Revised (BMQ-R) with Jack Katz, Ph.D. and has published and presented on central auditory processing, educational audiology, newborn infant screenings, hearing loss, and hearing protection internationally, nationally, and at the state level. Dr. Zalewski is a member of the American Auditory Society, American Academy of Audiology, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology, Pennsylvania Speech and Hearing Association, and Association of Pennsylvania College and University Faculty.

Areas of Interest

  • Central Auditory Process and Tinnitus


Undergraduate Courses
  • Auditory Training & Speech Reading Fundamental of Audiology
  • Introduction to Audiology
Graduate Course
  • Auditory Problems in Children
  • Aural Rehabilitation for Adults
  • Aural Rehabilitation: Child
  • Central Auditory Processing Disorders
  • Clinical Externship/Residency I - V
  • Clinical & Physiological Methods in Audiology
  • Diagnostic Audiology I
  • Diagnostic Audiology II
  • Educational Audiology
  • Evaluation and Management of Balance Disorders
  • Evaluation & Treatment of Tinnitus
  • Geriatric Audiology
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Internship: Clinical Audiology I – VI
  • Issues and Perspectives in Audiological Practices
  • Professional Ethics & Cultural Diversity
  • Research in Audiology - Medical Audiology
  • Theoretical & Clinical Masking
  • Research/Presentations/Publications/Grants


  • Zalewski, T.R., Kohler, M.L., & Avenoso, D. (2018).  Characteristics of Individuals Evaluated for an Auditory Processing Disorder.   
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2008). Effects of different presentation levels on the dichotic offset measure.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2007).  Validation of the interactive hearing aid training program.
  • Zalewski, T. R., Flynn, D., & Bonsall, M.  (2008).  Characteristics of individuals interested in audiology and speech pathology.
  • Zalewski, T. & Katz, J.  (2007).  Comparison of dichotic offset measure (DOM) with the staggered spondaic word (SSW) test.
  • Zalewski, T., R. & Awan S. N.  (2005).  Comparison between self perceived voice quality and vocal production with and without the use of musician’s hearing protection.
  • Zalewski, T., R. & Press, M., L.  (2004).  Prevalence of present otoacoustic emisison in a normal hearing population with an auditory processing disorder.
  • Kapp, K. & Zalewski, T.  (2003).  Measuring the impact of computer-based instruction on a learner’s ability to pronounce medical terminology.

Presentations International Invited Speaker

  • Zalewski, T. R. (2021, May).  Otitis media and central auditory processing.  Presented at the IX International Congress of Communication, Audiology, Otoneurology and Phoniatrics, Mexico, Virtual Conference.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2011, August).  Cognitive decline versus hearing loss in the elderly.  Presented at the VI Audiology, Otoneurology, Phoniatrics and Neuropsychology refresher course, National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2011, August).  Hearing loss and central auditory processing.  Presented at the VI Audiology, Otoneurology, Phoniatrics and Neuropsychology refresher course, National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2011, August).  Universial newborn hearing screenings.  Presented at the VI Audiology, Otoneurology, Phoniatrics and Neuropsychology refresher course, National Rehabilitation Institute, Mexico City, Mexico.

Presentations National / State / Local Invited Speaker

  • Stecker, N, & Zalewski, T. (2022, July). Anatomy & Physiology of the Auditory System. Presented at Auditory Processing Disorders Simple and Effective: Assessment and Intervention (Buffalo Model Approach)
  • Zalewski, T.  (2019, April & 2018, October).  Patient-Centered Testing for CAPDs.  Presented at Audiology 2018: Central Auditory Processing Disorders Online Conference.
  • Zalewski, T., Kaul, K., Medwetsky, L., Ferre, J., & Geffner, D. (2018, November).  Addressing Controversies in Central Auditory Processing.  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Owens, J., Vento, B., Whitelaw, G. & Zalewski, T. (2011, September). Professional issues for preceptors and doctoral students.   Presented at Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology Convention, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2007, April).  Noise induced hearing loss.  Presented at the Susquehanna Valley Association of Pennsylvania Occupational Health Nurses, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA.
  • Zalewski, T. R. & Press, M. L.  (2005, September).  Prevalence of OAEs in normal hearing children diagnosed with APD.  Presented at the West Virginia Fall Audiology Conference, Blackwater Falls, WV.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2004, July).  Effects of FM sound field amplification on adolescents’ auditory comprehension.  Presented at PESDHH Convocation XIII, Harrisburg, PA.

Presentations National / State / Local

  • Zalewski, T. & Amarante, M.  (2022, March).  Preferred Listening Levels of Music Through Headphones… Safe or Harmful? Pater presented at the American Academy of Audiology + HearTECH Expo, St. Louis, Mo.
  • Amarante, M., Winn, K., & Zalewski, T.  (2019, November).  Tinnitus Diagnostic & Intervention Services Provided by Pennsylvania Audiologists. Pater presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Zalewski, T., Campanile, C., & Zhang, D.  (2019, November).  Hearing Handicap & Auditory Processing Disorder Relationship in Elderly Individuals. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Zalewski, T. & Zhang, D.  (2018, November).  Newborn Infant Characteristics & OAE Screening Outcomes. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Zalewski, T.R., (2018, May).  Balance & Falls In Older Adults Causes & Prevention.  Presented at Geisinger-Bloomsburg Hospital Interprofessional Lecture Series.
  • Sanders, D. & Zalewski, T.R., (2018, March).  Caring for Older Adults with Hearing and Vision Problems.  Presented at Geisinger-Bloomsburg Hospital Interprofessional Lecture Series.
  • Zalewski, T. (2017, September).  Balance and Falls—When to start talking.  Presented at the Time For Courageous Conversations Conference, Bloomsburg, PA.
  • Zalewski, T. R., King, J., & McFarland, M.  (2016, November).  Let's Get Loud! For On Field Sound Levels During NCAA Division II Football Games. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Zalewski, T. (2016, September).  Huh? Hearing or Cognitive Decline?  Presented at the Where Memory Takes Us: Changing The Landscape Conference, Bloomsburg, PA.
  • Sekhar, D., Zalewski, T. R., Czarnecki, B., Beiler, J., Barr, A. L., King, T. S., & Paul, I. M. (2016, April).  Sensitivity and Specificity of Adolescent Hearing Screens.  Presented at the American Academy of Audiology Convention, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Sekhar, D., Zalewski, T. R., Beiler, J., Czarnecki, B., Barr, A. L., King, T. S., & Paul, I. M. (2015, September).  Hearing sensitivity and adolescent screening.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology State Convention, Harrisburg, PA.
  • Bonsall, M., Zalewski, T. R., King, J., & González, J.  (2014, November).  A summary of contractual audiology services in four Pennsylvania school districts. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Iafelice-Smith, A.M., Zalewski, T. R., King, J., & Johnson, J.A.  (2014, November).  The relationship between staggered spondaic word (SSW) and dichotic offset measure (DOM).  Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Zalewski, T. R., Hepp, L., Cicco, R., & Florio, A.  (2012, November).  Early hearing detection and intervention care coordination plan in Pennsylvania.  Paper presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Atlanta, GA.
  • Zalewski, T. R. & Powers, G. W.  (2012, July).  BUAuD Facilitating Educational/Pediatric Audiologists.  Paper presented at the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Project Directors Conference, Washington, DC.
  • Zalewski, T. R. & Powers, G. W.  (2011, November).  Training Educational/Pediatric Audiologist in Due Process & Compliance.  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2011, April).  Educational audiology more than just the beeps.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Speech, Language and Hearing Association State Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Zalewski, T. R., Leonzi, N., & Flynn, D.  (2009, November).  A clinical pediatric (C)APD profile.  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Press, M. L. & Zalewski, T. R.  (2009, November).  Screening for (C)APD using the buffalo model qeustionnaire (BMQ).  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, New Orleans, LA.
  • Zalewski, T. R. (2009, April).  (Central) auditory processing disorders, normal hearing children, and otoacoustic emissions.  Presented at the American Academy of Audiology Convention, Dallas, Texas.
  • Zalewski, T.R. (2009, April).  Occlusion effect and musicians earplugs.  Presented at the American Academy of Audiology Convention, Dallas, Texas.
  • Smith, P.A. & Zalewski, T.R.  (2007, November).  Auditory processing in aphasia:  evidence from perisylvian lesions.   Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Smith, P.A. & Zalewski, T.R.  (2006, November).  Auditory processing & aphasia:  top-down or bottom-up?  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Miami, FL.
  • Smith, P. & Zalewski, T.  (2006, April).  Associations in auditory processing and language skills in aphasia.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Speech, Language and Hearing Association State Convention, King of Prussia, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R. & Poulos, A.  (2006, April).  Newborn infant hearing screenings:  right ear versus left ear.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Speech, Language and Hearing Association State Convention, King of Prussia.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2005, November).  Test-retest reliability for the SSW number of error scoring.  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2005, November).  Pennsylvania’s audiologists’ view of an audiologists’ view of an ASHA affiliated state organization.  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, San Diego, CA.
  • Zalewski, T.R. & Press, M. L.  (2005, April).  Prevalence of OAEs in normal hearing children diagnosed with APD.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Speech, Language and Hearing Association State Convention, Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Welms, L. & Zalewski, T.R.  (2004, November).  Effects of FM sound field amplification on adolescent auditory comprehension.  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2004, November).  The relationship of unilateral amplification and central auditory processing.  Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R. - (2004, April).  Basic hearing aid troubleshooting for speech language pathologists.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Speech, Language and Hearing Association State Convention, State College, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2004, April).  Hearing loss or auditory processing disorder.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Speech, Language and Hearing Association State Convention, State College, PA.
  • Welms, L. & Zalewski, T.R.  (2003, March).  Effects of FM sound field amplification on auditory comprehension of adolescents with learning disabilities.  Presented at the Pennsylvania Speech, Language and Hearing Association State Convention, Harrisburg, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2002, September).  Impact of hearing loss on speech and language acquisition.  Presented at the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Building, Montandon, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2002, April).  Hearing loss after the fallout:  auditory effects of disasters.  Presented at the Bloomsburg University Health Sciences Symposium, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2001, May).  Anatomy & physiology of the vestibular system.  Presented at the Wilkes-Barre Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2001, July).  Pre-electronystagmography considerations.  Presented at the Wilkes-Barre Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2001, August).  Theoretical issues of electronystagmography testing.  Presented at the Wilkes-Barre Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2001, September).  Electronystagmography interpretation.  Presented at the Wilkes-Barre Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2001, November).  Practical issues of electronystagmography testing.  Presented at the Wilkes-Barre Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2001, April).  The relationship of unilateral amplification and central auditory processing.  Presented at the Bloomsburg University Health Sciences Symposium, Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, PA.

Publication (Book Chapter)

  • Katz, J., Zalewski, T. R., & Brenner, M.  (2019).  Otitis media and central auditory processing disorder (CAPD).  In Geffner, D. & Ross-Swain, D. (Eds.), Auditory processing disorders:  assessment, management, and treatment (3rd Ed.).  San Diego, CA:  Plural Publishing, Inc.

Publication (Test Manual)

  • Katz, J. & Zalewski, T. (2020, 2013, 2012, 2011).  Buffalo Model Questionnaire – Revised Administration and Interpretation Manual.  Educational Audiology Association, Westminster, Colorado.

Publications (Journals)

  • Sekhar, D.L., Beiler, J.S., Schaefer, E.W., Henning, A., Dillion, J.F., Czarnecki, B., & Zalewski, T. R.  (2016).  Certified school nurse perspectives on state-mandated hearing screens.  Journal of School Health.  86(8):612-619. doi: 10.1111/josh.12415.
  • Sekhar, D.L., Zalewski, T. R., Beiler, J.S., Czarnecki, B., Barr, A.L., King, T.S., & Paul, I. M.  (2016).  The sensitivity of adolescent hearing screens is significantly improved by adding high-frequencies.  The Journal of Adolescent Health.  59(3):362-364.  doi: 10.1177/1059840516654004.  Epub 2016 June 14.
  • Sekhar, D.L., Zalewski, T. R., Beiler, J.S., Czarnecki, B., Barr, A.L., King, T.S., & Paul, I. M.  (2016).  The sensitivity of adolescent school-based hearing screens is significantly improved by adding high-frequencies.  The Journal of School Nursing.  1-7.  doi: 10.1177/1059840516654004.  Epub 2016 June 14.
  • Sekhar, D.L., Zalewski, T. R., King, T.S., & Paul, I. M.  (2014).  Current office-based hearing screening questions fail to identify adolescents at risk for hearing loss.  Journal of Medical Screening. 21(4): 172-179.  doi:10.1177/0969141314551850. Epub 2014 Sept 8.
  • Sekhar, D.L., Zalewski, T. R., Ghossaini, S.N., King, T.S., Rhoades, J.A., Czarnecki, B., Grounds, S., Deese, B., Barr, A.L. & Paul, I. M.  (2014).  Pilot study of a high-frequency school-based hearing screen to detect adolescent hearing loss.  Journal of Medical Screening. 21(1):18-23.  doi:10.1177/0969141314524565. Epub 2014 Feb 12.
  • Sekhar, D. L., Zalewski, T. R., & Paul, I. M.  (2013).  Variability of state school-based hearing screening protocols in the united states. Journal of Community Health.  38(3), 569-574.
  • Pavlick, M. L., Zalewski, T. R., González, J. E. & Waibel-Duncan, M. K.   (2010).  A (c)apd screening instrument for the buffalo model diagnostic test battery.  Journal of Educational Audiology.  16, 4-13.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2010). Cognitive decline or hearing loss.  Perspectives on Gerontology.  15(1), 12-18.
  • Strange, A. K., Zalewski, T. R., & Waibel-Duncan, M. K.   (2009).  Exploring the usefulness of fisher’s auditory problems checklist as a screening tool.  Journal of Educational Audiology.  15, 44-52.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2008).  Addressing the needs for educational & pediatric audiologists.  PSHA Keystater.  9.
  • Francis, B. X. & Zalewski, T. R. (2008).  Attenuation values of a noise-cancelling headphone.  The Hearing Review, 15 (6), 30-34.
  • Zalewski, T. R. & Baur, F. X. (2008).  The effect of white noise of preferred listening levels with a noise-cancellation headset.  The Hearing Review, 15 (2), 22-30.
  • Zalewski, T.R. & Smith, P.A.  (2007).  Assessing auditory processing in two adults with cerebral vascular accidents.  SSW Reports.   28(3), 1-5.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2006).  APD analysis with the hearing impaired.  SSW Reports.  28(1), 1-4.
  • Zalewski, T. R.  (2005).  Test-retest reliability for the SSW number of error (NOE) analysis in an adult hearing impaired population.  Contemporary Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders.  32, 120-125.
  • Zalewski, T.R.  (2005).  Legislative update:  of critical importance to you:  collaboration of PAA & PSHA on senate bill 116.  PSHA Keystater.  28(2).
  • Zalewski, T.  (2004).  Audiology survey the results are in.  PSHA Keystater.  26(2).
  • Grabowski, R. & Zalewski, T.R. (1990).  A computer-automated audiological practice.  Hearing Instruments, 41(3).


University Committees
  • 2018- 2020 – Academic Grievance Board
  • 2013- 2020 – Grievance
  • 2011- 2021 – Undergraduate Honors Program Advisory
  • 2013- 2015 – Legislative
  • 2011- 2012 – Health & Welfare
  • 2005- 2006 – Technology Plan
  • 2001-2006 – Faculty Council on Scholarship
  • 2004- 2005 – Search:  Director of Alumni Affairs.
  • 2004- 2005 – Search:  Director of Continuing Education.
  • 2004- 2005 – Search:  Assistant VP for Academic Affairs.
  • 2001- 2002 – Emergency Response
College Committees
  • 2006- Present – Cynthia Schloss Graduate Student Award (Chair 2009 – Present)
  • 2020- 2021 – Department of Mathematical and Digital Sciences 5-Year Review Committee
  • 2015- 2016 – Athletic Department Promotion
  • 2009 – 2012 – Scholarship & Recognition
  • 2006- 2012 – Technology
  • 2010 – 2011 – Graduate Faculty Review
  • 2005- 2006 – Search:  Dean College of Professional Studies.
  • 2001- 2003 – Curriculum
Department Committees
  • 2021-Present, Strategic Plan
  • 2013- 2021, 2002-2008 – Search & Screen; Chair (2001, 2003 - 2004, 2002 - 2003)
  • 2004- Present – Evaluation; Chair (2005 - 2006, 2008 - Present)
  • 202-2021, 2015-2016 & 2008- 2009 – Tenure; Chair (2008 - 2009 & 2015 - 2016)
  • 1999- 2020 – Curriculum; Chair (2004 - 2005); Co-Chair (2000 - 2001)
  • 2019 – 5 Year Strategic Plan: Co-Chair (2019)
  • 2016- 2017 – Ad Hoc – Remediation Plan Development
  • 2015- 2016 – Promotion; Chair (2015 -2016)
  • 1999- 2004 – Scholarship & Awards; Chair (2002 - 2004)
  • 2003 – Speech Pathology Staff Search & Screen

Professional Service

  • Audiology Case-Based Educational Scenarios (ACES) – Audiogram, Auditory Process, & Tinnitus Review Team – 2020- Present
  • Topic Chair (Auditory/Central Auditory Processing) – 2018 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention Program Committee
  • Member, Planning Committee – American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Audiology 2018 Online Conference – Auditory/Central Auditory Processing
  • Member, Auditory/Central Auditory Processing Selection Committee – American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2017 Convention – November 9-11, 2017, Los Angeles, California
  • Member, Auditory/Central Auditory Processing Selection Committee – American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 2016 Convention – November 17-19, 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Vice President of Professional Practice in Audiology and Education of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing – Pennsylvania Speech Language and Hearing Association – 2003 – 2006
  • Vice President for Professional Practice – Pennsylvania Speech Language and Hearing Association – 2002 – 2003

University Service

  • Summer 2022 – Present – Doctor of Audiology (AuD) Program Graduate Program Coordinator
  • August 2017, 2018. 2019, 2021, 2022 – Audiology White Coat Ceremony Speaker – Invited
  • 2003- Present – National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association Faculty Advisor
  • 2020- 2021 – Academic Affairs Integration Audiology and Speech Pathology sub-subgroup
  • 2011- 2020 – Honors Advisory Committee
  • Spring 2005- 2019 & Fall 2013, 2014 – Graduate Commencement and Student Hooding Ceremony.
  • Fall 2004- 2019 – Faculty mentor to Football Team.
  • Summer 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 – Department of Audiology Faculty representative for Freshman orientation.
  • Spring 2009- 2014 – Invited Graduate Commencement speaker for Dissertation and Theses Recognition.
  • 2000- 2014 – Football requirement weekend – Faculty representative to speak to potential student athletes and families.
  • August 19, 2005 – Bloomsburg University White Coat Ceremony – Introduction of Keynote Speaker.
  • 2000- 2004 – University TALE Ambassador
  • Fall 2004 – Department of Audiology faculty representative at University Open House.
  • Fall 2001 – Department Open House for New Facilities

Community Service

  • June 3 & 4, 2022 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • June 6 & 7, 2019 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • February 25, 2019 – Hearing Screenings - Columbia County Christian School, Bloomsburg, PA
  • June 1 & 2, 2018 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • February 26, 2018 – Hearing Screenings - Columbia County Christian School, Bloomsburg, PA
  • June 2, 2017 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • February 27, 2017 – Hearing Screenings - Columbia County Christian School, Bloomsburg, PA
  • June 4, 2016 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • March 4, 2016 – Hearing Screenings - Columbia County Christian School, Bloomsburg, PA
  • January 22, 2015 – Sportsman Expo Hearing Awareness Booth, Bloomsburg, PA
  • February 27, 2015 – Hearing Screenings - Columbia County Christian School, Bloomsburg, PA
  • June 5, 2015 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • October 18, 2014 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Bocci Bash, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 3 & 4, 2014 – Hearing Screenings – Family YMCA Daycare Centers, Easton, PA
  • March 28, 2014 – Hearing Screenings - Columbia County Christian School, Bloomsburg, PA
  • November, 2014 – School Hearing Screening – Lebanon School District, Lebanon, PA
  • June 7, 2013 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • April 3, 5 & 8, 2013 – Hearing Screenings – Family YMCA Daycare Centers, Easton, PA
  • February 25, 2013 – Hearing Screenings - Columbia County Christian School, Bloomsburg. PA
  • March 19, 23 & 26, 2012 – Hearing Screenings – Family YMCA Daycare Centers, Easton, PA
  • June 10 & 11, 2011 – Hearing Screenings – Special Olympics Summer Games, State College, PA
  • March 18, 21 & 25, 2011 – Hearing Screenings – Family YMCA Daycare Centers, Easton, PA
  • November 2010 – Community Education Program, Hearing & Hearing Aids, Bloomsburg Senior Center, Bloomsburg, PA
  • November 2010 – Organized and Conduct Hearing Screening at the Bloomsburg Senior Center, Bloomsburg, PA
  • February 19, March 3, & March 19, 2010 – Hearing Screenings – Family YMCA Daycare Centers, Easton, PA
  • March 4, 2009 – Community Education Program, Tips To Improve Hearing, Berwick Senior Center, Berwick, PA
  • March 4, 2009 – Hearing Screening at the Berwick Senior Center, Berwick, PA
  • May 17, 2007 – Presentation to the Hearing Loss Association of America – Basic Hearing Aid Troubleshooting,  St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 25, 2006 – Presentation at the Bloomsburg Senior Center – Impact of Hearing Loss on the Quality of Life, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 25, 2006 – Hearing Screening at the Bloomsburg Senior Center, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 21, 2006 – Presentation at the Danville Senior Center – Impact of Hearing Loss on the Quality of Life, Danville, PA
  • April 21, 2006 – Hearing Screening at the Danville Senior Center, Danville, PA
  • March 2006 – Presentation at the Central Columbia Elementary School, Mrs. McIlvaine’s 4th grade class – “How Cool is the Ear,” Bloomsburg, PA
  • May 2005 – Presentation at the Central Columbia Elementary School, Mrs. Wright’s 3rd grade class for Better Speech and Hearing Month – “How do We Hear?” Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 11, 2005 – Presentation at the Bloomsburg Senior Center – Basic Hearing Aid Troubleshooting, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 11, 2005 – Hearing Screening at the Bloomsburg Senior Center, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 8, 2005 – Presentation at the Berwick Senior Center – Basic Hearing Aid Troubleshooting, Berwick, PA
  • April 8, 2005 – Hearing Screening at the Berwick Senior Center, Berwick, PA
  • March 19, 2004 – Presentation at the Berwick Senior Center – Hearing Aid Technology, Berwick, PA
  • March 19, 2004 – Hearing Screening at the Berwick Senior Center, Berwick, PA
  • March 3, 2004 – Presentation at the Millville Senior Center – Hearing Aid Technology, Millville, PA
  • March 3, 2004 – Hearing Screening at the Millville Senior Center, Millville, PA
  • September 2002 – Presentation at the Selinsgrove Senior Center – Hearing Loss and Hearing Aid Technology, Selinsgrove, PA
  • July 2000, 2001 & 2002 – Hearing Screening – PPL Susquehanna, LLC Health Fair, Berwick, PA
  • April 26, 2002 – Presentation Bloomsburg Senior Center – Clinical Services Available at Bloomsburg University Speech, Hearing & Language Clinic, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 26, 2002 – Hearing Screening Bloomsburg Senior Center, Bloomsburg, PA
  • April 5, 2002 – Presentation at the Berwick Senior Center – Clinical Services Available at Bloomsburg University Speech, Hearing & Language Clinic, Berwick, PA
  • April 5, 2002 – Hearing Screening at the Berwick Senior Center, Berwick, PA
  • October 2001- September 2004 – St. Columba School Board of Education, Bloomsburg, PA
  • October 2001- September 2004 – St. Columba School Policy Committee, Bloomsburg, PA
  • November 2001 – Presentation Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit Parent Meeting – Role of educational audiologist, current technology in hearing aids, FM systems, & cochlear implants, Montandon, PA
  • January- May 2001 – St. Columba School Planning Cycle Development Committee, Bloomsburg, PA
  • Fall 1999 – Present – Hearing Screening – Columbia County Christian School, Buckhorn, PA