Ted Roggenbuck

- Title(s)
- Professor, Director of the Writing and Literacy Engagement Studio
- Department
- Education
Masters - University of North Dakota
Doctoral degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4428
- Send an Email
108A Bakeless Center
Teaching and Research Interests
Ted Roggenbuck is a Co-Editor for WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship and is currently co-editing a collection pertaining to tutor education, What We Teach Writing Tutors: A WLN Digital Edited Collection, available fall 2018 on the WLN website. In addition to his interest in the work of educating tutors and future teachers, his recent scholarship also involves examining students' knowledge and beliefs about incorporating source material into their texts.
Courses Taught
- ENGL211 - Grammars of English
- ENGL371 - Composition Theory
- FYS100 - First Year Study
- WRIT101/102 - Foundations in Composition/Lab
- Writing Center Consulting