Steven Rier


Professor of Biology

Ph.D. University of Louisville, Environmental Biology

Contact Information


  • Limnology
  • Freshwater Biology
  • Ecology of Streams and Rivers
  • Global Change Biology
  • Ecosystem Management
  • Ecology and Evolution
  • Freshman Biology laboratories

Research Interests

  • Stream Ecosystem Ecology
  • Algal and Microbial Ecology
  • Water Pollution

Selected Publications

  • Ashberry, E.L. Rier, S.T., Halvorson, H.M., and K.A. Kuehn. 2021. Algal-driven priming of cellulose decomposition along a phosphorus gradient in stream mesocosms. Freshwater Science: 40.
  • Hartzell, S.M. and S.T. Rier. 2017. A crayfish survey of the fishing creek watershed in northeastern Pennsylvania suggests widespread prevalence of a nonindigenous species and the absence of a native congener. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 91:1-10.
  • Rier, S.T., K.C. Kinek, S.E. Hay and S.N. Francoeur. 2016. Polyphosphate plays a vital role in the phosphorus dynamics of stream periphyton. Freshwater Science 35:490-502.
  • Tucker-Serniak, L., C. Corbin, A. Pitt, S. Rier. 2016. The effects of Japanese Knotweed on avian diversity and function in riparian habitats. Journal of Ornithology 158:311-321.
  • Rier, S.T., J. M. Shirvinski and K. C. Kinek. 2014. In-situ light and phosphorus manipulations reveal potential role of biofilm algae in enhancing enzyme-mediated decomposition of organic matter in streams. Freshwater Biology 59:1039-1051.
  • 30 Authors including S.T. Rier. 2014. US EPA Expert Workshop: Nutrient Enrichment Indicators in Streams. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Washington, D.C.
  • Francoeur, S. N., S. T. Rier, and S. B. Whorley. 2013. Methods for Sampling and Analyzing Wetland Algae. Pages 1-58 in J. T. Anderson and C. A. Davis, editors. Wetland Techniques: Volume 2: Organisms. Springer, The Netherlands
  • Bott, T., J. Jackson, M. McTammany, J. Newbold, S. Rier, B. Sweeney, and J. Battle. 2012. Abandoned coal mine drainage and its remediation: Impacts on stream ecosystem structure and function. Ecological Applications 22:2144-2163.
  • Rier, S. T., K.S. Nawrocki, and J.C. Whitley. 2011. Response of biofilm extracellular enzymes along a stream nutrient enrichment gradient in an agricultural region of North Central Pennsylvania, USA. Hydrobiologia 669:119-131.

Recent Grants

  • Evaluating Headwater Biodiversity, Vulnerability, and Potential Resilience to Inform Conservation in the Delaware Basin, National Fish and Wildlife Federation, in collaboration with The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University ($43,912, BU budget)
  • Evaluating the climate resilience of headwaters and potential downstream effects. PA DEP Growing Greener, in collaboration with The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, pending ($37,704, BU Budget)
  • Measuring performance of best management practices installed as part of the implementing precision conservation in the Susquehanna River Watershed. National Fish and Wildlife Federation ($115,000, BU budget)
  • Water quality investigations at Bloomsburg University: Summer 2017. Degenstein Foundation ($25,000)