Steven Rier


Professor of Biology

Ph.D. University of Louisville, Environmental Biology

Contact Information


Limnology, Freshwater Biology, Ecology of Streams and Rivers, Global Change Biology, Ecosystem Management, Ecology and Evolution, Freshman Biology laboratories

Research Interests

Stream Ecosystem Ecology, Algal and Microbial Ecology, Water Pollution

Selected Publications

Ashberry, E.L. Rier, S.T., Halvorson, H.M., and K.A. Kuehn. 2021. Algal-driven priming of cellulose decomposition along a phosphorus gradient in stream mesocosms. Freshwater Science: 40.

Hartzell, S.M. and S.T. Rier. 2017. A crayfish survey of the fishing creek watershed in northeastern Pennsylvania suggests widespread prevalence of a nonindigenous species and the absence of a native congener. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 91:1-10.

Rier, S.T., K.C. Kinek, S.E. Hay and S.N. Francoeur. 2016. Polyphosphate plays a vital role in the phosphorus dynamics of stream periphyton. Freshwater Science 35:490-502.

Tucker-Serniak, L., C. Corbin, A. Pitt, S. Rier. 2016. The effects of Japanese Knotweed on avian diversity and function in riparian habitats. Journal of Ornithology 158:311-321.

Rier, S.T., J. M. Shirvinski and K. C. Kinek. 2014. In-situ light and phosphorus manipulations reveal potential role of biofilm algae in enhancing enzyme-mediated decomposition of organic matter in streams. Freshwater Biology 59:1039-1051.

30 Authors including S.T. Rier. 2014. US EPA Expert Workshop: Nutrient Enrichment Indicators in Streams. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. Washington, D.C.

Francoeur, S. N., S. T. Rier, and S. B. Whorley. 2013. Methods for Sampling and Analyzing Wetland Algae. Pages 1–58 in J. T. Anderson and C. A. Davis, editors. Wetland Techniques: Volume 2: Organisms. Springer, The Netherlands

Bott, T., J. Jackson, M. McTammany, J. Newbold, S. Rier, B. Sweeney, and J. Battle. 2012. Abandoned coal mine drainage and its remediation: Impacts on stream ecosystem structure and function. Ecological Applications 22:2144–2163.

Rier, S. T., K.S. Nawrocki, and J.C. Whitley. 2011. Response of biofilm extracellular enzymes along a stream nutrient enrichment gradient in an agricultural region of North Central Pennsylvania, USA. Hydrobiologia 669:119–131.

Recent Grants

Evaluating Headwater Biodiversity, Vulnerability, and Potential Resilience to Inform Conservation in the Delaware Basin, National Fish and Wildlife Federation, in collaboration with The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University ($43,912, BU budget)

Evaluating the climate resilience of headwaters and potential downstream effects. PA DEP Growing Greener, in collaboration with The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, pending ($37,704, BU Budget)

Measuring performance of best management practices installed as part of the implementing precision conservation in the Susquehanna River Watershed. National Fish and Wildlife Federation ($115,000, BU budget)

Water quality investigations at Bloomsburg University: Summer 2017. Degenstein Foundation ($25,000)