Seung Hoon Jang


Associate Professor

Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln

M.B.A., Seoul National University

B.B.A., Seoul National University

Contact Information

My teaching has focused on encouraging autonomous and creative discussions in the flexible environments, while simultaneously laying a strong foundation in the basics of management theory. The lectures concerning the management fields have provided theories, cases, and real work experiences through multiple offline and online methods of teaching. Welcome!

Representative Pedagogical Development/Certification

  • Teaching Online Certification Course (TOCC)
  • TALE Conventional/Online Pedagogical Seminars (BU)
  • PASSHE/University/College/Department-wide Workshops
  • International/National/Regional Conferences
  • ITA Program for Teaching Assistants (UNL)
  • Other Valuable Opportunities


  • MGMT 497-Business Policies
  • MGMT 244-Principles of Management

Representative Refereed Journal Publications

  • Jang, S.H., Lee, S.M., Kim, T., & Choi, D. (2019). Planting and harvesting innovation – an analysis of Samsung Electronics. International Journal of Quality Innovation, 5(1), 7.
  • Lee, J.Y., Jang, S.H., & Lee, S.Y. (2018). Paternalistic leadership and knowledge sharing with outsiders in emerging economies: Based on social exchange relations within the China context. Personnel Review, 47(5), 1094-1115.
  • Lee, S.M., Kim, T., & Jang, S.H. (2015). Inter-organizational knowledge transfer through corporate venture capital investment. Management Decision, 53(7), 1601-1618.
  • Jang, S.H., & Grandzol, C. (2015). Value co-creation in emerging economies: Planting and harvesting innovation perspectives. International Journal of Services Sciences, 5(3-4), 171-181.