Regina Bobak

- Title(s)
- Associate Professor, Technical Leadership Coordinator
- Department
- Education
Ed.D. in Instructional Technology and Distance Education, NOVA Southeastern University
M.S. in Instructional Technology, Bloomsburg University
B.S. in Secondary Education Mathematics, Slippery Rock University
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-5319
- Send an Email
327 Sutliff Hall
Dr. Bobak joined Bloomsburg University in Fall 2000 as a project manager for the Institute for Interactive Technologies. In Fall 2004 she became the manager of the Instructional Media and Design Center where she assisted faculty with instructional technology and distance education. She began her role as an assistant professor in 2014 in the Department of Academic Enrichment teaching Introductory and Intermediate Algebra courses to underprepared, often underrepresented students.
Dr. Bobak has research and teaching interests in incorporating instructional strategies that help all students build confidence in learning mathematics while including study skills for college success. She has taught several courses during and prior to her time at BU including Introductory and Intermediate Algebra, Foundations of Algebra, K-12 Online Teaching, Instructional Applications of the Internet, Contemporary Mathematics I and II, Technical Algebra & Trigonometry I, and Technical Mathematics.
Currently, Dr. Bobak teaches Spreadsheet Analysis, ITA 175, and Instructional Technology and Design courses.
- Diehl, T.E. & Bobak, R.A. (2021). Study plans promote daily review in developmental mathematics. Journal of Developmental Education (JDE), 44(2), 12-17.
- Bobak, R.A. (2020). Sample extra credit assignments. The Teaching Professor.
- Bobak, R.A. (2019). Implication of a career essay in a developmental algebra course. Journal of Research and Teaching in Developmental Education. Fall 2019 Special Issue.
- Bobak, R.A. (2018). Student study skills: Perception vs reality. PAECT: Technology Education Research Journal, 2(1), 9-16.
- Bobak, R.A. (2018). The best of both: Implementing two learning management systems in an intermediate algebra course. PAECT: Technology Education Research Journal, 2(1), 17-24.
- Roberts, C., Walker, D.E., & Bobak, R.A. (2009). Literacy Quest Using Blackboard Technology. Distance Learning, 6(3), 23 – 29.
- Bobak, R.A. (2004). Electronic Portfolios. Distance Learning, 1(6), 1 – 8.
- Bobak, R., Cassarino, C., & Finley, D. (2004). Three Issues in Distance Learning. Distance Learning, 1(5), 15 – 18.