Patricia Lally


CommonwealthU University Employee

Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Sport and Exercise Psychology, University of Toronto

Ph.D., Sport and Exercise Psychology, University of Toronto

M.A., Sport Psychology, University of Ottawa

B.A., Psychology, McGill University

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Advanced Theory and Application of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Research Methods
  • Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology across the Lifespan
  • Sport Psychology for Performance Enhancement

Courses Developed

  • Introduction to Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Advanced Theory and Practice of Sport and Exercise Psych.
  • Profession Field Participation in Sport Administration
  • Professional Field Experience in Sport Administration
  • Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Sport and Exercise Psychology across the Lifespan
  • Sport Psychology for Performance Enhancement
  • Stress Management for the Physically Active
  • Advanced Field Experience
  • Seminar in Sport Science
  • Capstone Project
  • Professional Ethics for Applied Sport Psychology
  • Cultural and Ethnic Diversity for Sport Psychology Consulting
  • Mentored Experience in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Counseling Skills for Applied Sport Psychology

Programs Developed

  • Master of Science in Sport Science
  • Minor in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Accelerated BS in Sport Administration to MS in Sport Science: Sport Administration Track
  • Accelerated BS in Sport Administration to MS in Sport Science: Sport and Exercise Psychology Track    

Development of Institutional Partnerships

  • Articulation Agreement with Bucks County Community College
  • Articulation Agreement with Lehigh Carbon Community College
  • Guaranteed Admission Agreement with Bloomsburg University

Professional Publications 

Lally, P. S. (2008).Sport in Canadian educational institutions.In J. Crossman (Ed.), Canadian sport sociology (2nd ed). Toronto: Nelson Thomson Learning.

Johnson, J. & Miller, P. S. (2004). Changing the initiation ceremony. In J. Johnson & M. Holman (Eds.), Making the team: Inside the world of sport initiations and hazing. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

Miller, P. S. (2003).Sport in Canadian educational institutions.In J. Crossman (Ed.), Canadian sport sociology (pp. 56-73). Toronto: Nelson Thomson Learning.

Refereed Journal Articles

Lally, P. S. & Kerr, G. (2008). The effects of athlete retirement on parents. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 20, 42-56.

Lally, P. S. (2007). Identity and athletic retirement: A prospective study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 8, 85-99.

Lally, P. S., & Kerr, G. (2005). The career planning, athletic identity and student role identity of intercollegiate student-athletes. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 275-285.

Professional Presentations

Foster, B. J., & Lally, P. S. (March, 2019). “A Double-Edged Sword”: Impact of the NCAA Division I Experience on the Post-Graduation Lives of International Student-Athletes. Northeast Atlantic Sport Psychology annual conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Lally, P. S. (2009, November). Examining athletic retirement from multiple perspectives. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania State Association of Physical Health, Education, Recreation and Dance (PSAPHERD) Annual Convention, Valley Forge, PA.

Lally, R. A. & Lally, P. S. (2009, May). Same dogs: Old tricks? Paper presented at Life after Sport: Athletes in Retirement Conference, San Diego, California.

Lally, P. S. (2006, June). Self-protection: Diminishing one’s athletic identity prior to retirement. Paper presented at the Life after Sport: Athletes in Transition Conference, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.

Lally, P. S. (2005, November). Facilitating the retirement transition experiences of intercollegiate athletes. Paper presented at the PSAPHERD Annual Convention, Lancaster, PA.

Lally, P. S. (2004, December). The retirement experiences of high-level females athletes. Paper prepared for the PSAPHERD Annual Convention, Seven Springs, PA.

Kerr, G., & Lally, P. S. (2004, October). Athlete retirement: The experiences of parents and families of retired elite child athletes. Poster presented at the 19th annual Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) Conference, Minneapolis, MI. 

Articles Published: Sport and Exercise Psychology, Performance Enhancement, Athletic Retirement, Athlete Psychosocial Development


  • Foster, B. J., & Lally, P. S. (2019). Social media literacy for student-athletes. Submitted to NCAA Innovations in Research and Practice. $11,000.
  • Lally, P. S., & Lally, R. A. (2013). Going Global through Technology. LHU ($3325).
  • Lally, P. S. (2011). Program Assessment Award, College of Education and Human Services ($500).
  • Lally, P. S. (2010). ATAC Technology Grant ($1700).