Michael Ruffini

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- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-5310
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105B Waller Administration Building
Scholarship 2019
February — Ruffini, Ed.D., professor of educational technology, presented a poster and presentation on “PowToon Classroom Integration Strategies” at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology hardware, software and integration strategies in education. The conference was held from Feb. 11 to Feb. 14 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
February — Ruffini, Ed.D., professor of educational technology, presented a poster and presentation "Flipped Classroom and Camtasia” at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology hardware, software and integration strategies in education. The conference was held from Feb. 10 to Feb. 13 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
Scholarship 2018
Authored the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Program Report. Received National Recognition for the program.
Scholarship 2017
February — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented a poster/presentation "Powtoon Uses and Design Tips” at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology hardware, software and integration strategies in education. The conference was held from Feb. 12 to Feb. 15 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
Scholarship 2016
August — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented a poster/presentation "Creating Screencast Video’s for your Classroom” at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology hardware, software and integration strategies in education. The conference was held from Feb. 21 to Feb. 24 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
Scholarship 2015
July — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented “Screencast Your Lessons With Camtasia!” at the ISTE 2015 International Technology and Expo Conference held in Philadelphia June 28 to July 1.
Professor writes article on bringing videos to class
June — Ruffini, Ed.D., published a new book entitled “PowerCasts Creating Dynamic PowerPoint Screencasts with Camtasia Studio!” The Planets – project example from book. Visions in Education Publisher.
September — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented "Screencast Your Lessons!" at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology in the educational field. The conference was held from Feb. 8 to 11 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
Scholarship 2014
September — Ruffini, Ed.D., recently published an article in the September issue of the THE Journal. The article is entitled, “Blending Face-to- Face and Flipping.” In the article, Ruffini provides an explanation of the flipped classroom and its alternative, which offers the best of the flipped class and traditional face-to-face instruction, the face/flip.
May — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented, “Creating a PowerPoint Screencast using Camtasia” at The Resources for the Electronic Classroom: A Faculty-Student Partnership Conference (RECAP) at West Chester University.
RECAP conference was a valuable, one-day experience focusing on innovations in Instructional Technology, including a review of the latest technology tools, Mobile learning and access, LMS, and Distance Education. RECAP 2013 was an opportunity to engage with colleagues using innovative technologies in the classroom, offering faculty presentations on best practices and guest speakers.
May — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented “Screencast your Lessons using PowerPoint!,” on May 15, at the RECAP (Resources for the Electronic Classroom: A Faculty-Student Partnership) 2014 Conference held at West Chester University.
March — Ruffini, Ed.D., was recently invited to present the technology topic “Screencast Your PowerPoint Lessons Using Camtasia”, at the From My Classroom to Yours Conference at 17th Annual From My Classroom to Yours Conference at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (March 12).
February — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented “Screencast Your Lessons Using Camtasia” at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology in the educational field. The conference was held from February 9 -12 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
Scholarship 2013
February — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented "Introduction to Screencasting using Camtasia" and "Screencasting Using Camtasia Studio" at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology in the educational field. The conference was held from Feb. 10 to 13 at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
February — Ruffini, Ed.D., TechSmith Corporation recently featured Ruffini on the their guest blog with, "Designing a PowerPoint Screencast Using Camtasia."
Scholarship 2012
November — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented, “Introduction to Screencasting “ at The Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association Conference (PSTA) at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center on Nov. 28 to 30.
November — Ruffini, Ed.D., published a paper entitled, “Screencasting to Engage Learning” with EDUCAUSE REVIEW in the November/December 2012 online issue and was awarded an academic enrichment software grant from TechSmith® Corporation for the Bloomsburg University McCormick 1148 Education Computer Lab.
The software included Camtasia Studio 8 (professional screencasting software) and Snagit (professional screen capture software). Both of these programs are engaging and powerful learning tools that can be used by our students for creating tutorials, demonstrations, digital storytelling and narrated PowerPoint presentations.
October — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented a paper virtually entitled, “Creating a PowerPoint Screencast Using Camtasia Studio,” at the E-LEARN 2012 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education in Montreal, Canada: Oct. 9 to 12.
May — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented “Screencasting to Engage Learning,” at the (Resources for the Electronic Classroom: A Faculty-Student Partnership) 2012 Conference at West Chester University.
April — Ruffini, Ed.D., was invited to present the technology topic “Screencasting to Engage Learning,” at the Villanova Technology Expo Conference at Villanova University.
March — Ruffini, Ed.D., was recently invited to present the technology topic “Screencasting to Engage Learning Using Camtasia”, at the From My Classroom to Yours Conference at The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (March 14).
March — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented a paper, “Creating Custom Multimedia Animations in PowerPoint,” and a Poster Session (Diigo as Research and Collaborative Classroom Tool) at The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C), a statewide annual event that provides quality presentations, workshops and programs focused on technology in the educational field.
Scholarship 2011
December — Ruffini, Ed.D., and Vi Supon, Ed.D., professor of education were invited to present a paper, “Social Bookmarking Using Diigo,” at the Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association (PSTA) on Dec. 1, 2011, at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
September — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented a paper and technology workshop entitled, “Designing Dynamic Animations with PowerPoint”, at the 43rd Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA) on Sept. 29, 2011. The conference was hosted by The Richard Stockton College.
September — Ruffini, Ed.D., published an article in Educause Quarterly, “Classroom Collaboration Using Social Bookmarking Service Diigo”.
September — Ruffini, Ed.D., published an ebook (Pearson Publishing) entitled, “Designing Virtual Field Trips.”
June — Ruffini, Ed.,D., presented a three-hour technology workshop at the International Society for Technology in Education. The ISTE National Conference was held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia (June 25-29). ISTE is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in advancing excellence in learning and teaching through innovative and effective uses of technology.
Scholarship 2010
July — Ruffini, Ed.D., associate professor of educational technology presented a paper entitled, “Designing Virtual Field Trips,” at the ED-MEDIA World Conference on Educational Multimedia, & Telecommunications on July 2 in Toronto, Canada.
March — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented a paper, Educause Quarterly — "Creating Animations in PowerPoint to Support Student Learning and Engagement," at the The Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference (PETE&C) which is a statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology in the educational field.
March — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented a paper, “Creating Dynamic Animations in PowerPoint”, at the From My Classroom to Yours Annual Conference, which offers teachers, technology coordinators, and educational administrators the opportunity to share “best practices” for teaching and learning. The Conference was held at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
April — Ruffini, Ed.D., presented, “Creating Dynamic Animations with PowerPoint” at the Villanova University Technology Expo, which is a an opportunity for the regional education community to see the latest technology, learn from informative keynote speakers and connect with peers to find solutions and best practices.