Michael Borland
- Title(s)
- Professor of Biochemistry, ASBMB Coordinator
- Department
- Education
Ph.D., Penn State University (2010), Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology (BMMB). Focus: Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis
B.S., Penn State University (2005), Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB). Cum laude and Schreyer Honors Scholar
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4986
- Send an Email
237 Hartline Science Center
- Education Fellow, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)
- Director, cDNA Resource Center
- Society of Toxicology Undergraduate Education Subcommittee (2018 - 2021)
- Robert Aronstam Family Research Fellowship (2023-2025)
- Distinguished Faculty Award (Research), BU College of Science and Technology (2018)
- ASBMB Education Fellow (2015)
- Provost's Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarly Activity (2015)
- Outstanding Student Leadership Award, Society of Toxicology (2011)
- Paper of the Year, Society of Toxicology Dermal Toxicology Specialty Section (2010)
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2006 - 2009)
- Physiological Chemistry 1 (CHEM116)
- Organic Chemistry (CHEM281)
- Biochemistry 1 (CHEM341)
- Biochemistry 2 (CHEM442)
Research Interests
- Skin cancer preventatives and chemotherapeutics
- Molecular Toxicology of Nuclear Hormone Receptors
- Development of in vitro molecular toxicology models
- Development of novel undergraduate laboratory experiences
- Scientific enterpreneurship
- Zhu, B., Zhu,, X., Borland, M.G., Ralph, D.H., Chiaro, C.R., Krausz, K.W., Strable, M.S., Ntambi, J.M., Glick, A.B., Patterson, A.D., Perdew, G.H., Gonzalez, F.J., and Peters, J.M. Biomolecules. (2024). 14(6): 606. PMID: 38927010.
- Peters, J.M., Kim, D.J., Bility, M.T., Borland, M.G., Zhu, B., and Gonzalez, F.J. Molecular Carcinogenesis. (2019). 58(9): 1612-22. PMID: 31062422.
- Borland, M.G., Kehres, E.M., Lee, C., Wagner, A.L., Shannon, B.E., Albrecht, P.P. Zhu, B., Gonzalez, F.J., and Peters, J.M. Toxicology. (2018). 404-405: 25-32. PMICD: 29729928.
- Borland, M.G., Yao, P., Kehres, E.M., Lee, C., Pritzlaff, A.M., Ola, E., Wagner, A.L., Shannon, B.E., Albrecht, P.P, Zhu, B., Kang, B., Robertson, G.P., Gonzalez, F.G., and Peters, J.M. Toxicological Sciences. (2017). 159(2): 436-448. PMICD: 28962521. Editor's Highlight Article.
- Borland, M.G., Krishnan, P., Lee, C., Albrecht, P.P., Shan, W., Bility, M.T., Marcus, C.B., Lin, J.M., Amin, S., Gonzalez, F.J., Perdew, G.H., and Peters, J.M. Carcinogenesis. (2014). 35(7): 1602-12. PMICD: 24639079.
- Borland, M.G. Journal of Toxicological Education. (2013). 1: 54-65. Invited submission for the journal's first issue.
- Trumbo, T.A., Schultz, E., Borland, M.G., and Pugh, M.E. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. (2013). 41(4): 242-250. PMICD: 23625877.
- SOT Undergraduate Faculty Grant Program (2023 - 2024)
- PASSHE Faculty Professional Development Grant (2023 - 2024)
- BU Faculty Research & Scholarship Grant (2022 - 2023)
- PASSHE Faculty Professional Development Grant (2019 - 2021)
- BU Margin of Excellence (2018-2019)
- BU Margin of Excellence (2015 - 2016)
- BU Research & Scholarship Grant (2013 - 2014)
Representative Service Activities
- National
- Accreditation Exam Scorer, ASBMB (2015 - )
- Accreditation Exam Steering Committee, ASBMB (2021 - )
- Accreditation Exam Concept Area Lead, (ASBMB (2022 - )
- Reviewer, NSF (2023 - )
- Lead, SOT ToxMSDT Biochemistry e-Learning Development Team (2022 - 2023)
- SOT FUTURE Committee (2019 - 2022)
- SOT Undergraduate Education Subcommittee (2018 - 2019)
- Commonwealth/Bloomsburg University
- 2024 Provost Search Committee (2024)
- College of Health, Science & Technology Strategic Planning Committee (2023 - )
- Chemistry Integration Curriculum SubSub Group (2020 - 2021)
- Pre-Medicine Advisory Committee (2014 - )
- ASBMB Accreditation Coordinator (2014 - )
Professional Memberships
- American Chemical Society (2011- )
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2014 - )
- Society of Toxicology (2006 - )