Matt Henry '18

Secretary, Lock Haven Alumni Association Board of Directors
Contact Information
  • Lock Haven
  • Swiftwater, PA

    AVP, Regional Security Manager/Enterprise Workplace Services 

Why did you decide to be part of the Alumni Association?

I feel as though my time at LHU was an impact on my life that I want to see all Bald Eagles have. The university is a place that I call home and I know many others do as well. I want to work to have the younger generation of Bald Eagles get involved at this level to show why Lock Haven University really is the best school around. I am proud to call myself a graduate of LHU and I know that without the resources of a board such as this one my time would have been hard. The support of board volunteers, devoted staff and faculty are what make LHU special. I hope to bring a new perspective to the board while helping secure the future of LHU.