Mark Noon


CommonwealthU University Employee
Assistant Professor

Doctorate from Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

Contact Information

Mark Noon's research interests include radical and reform literature and labor history. His doctoral dissertation, “‘Nothing to Arbitrate’: The Strike in the American Novel, 1888-1915,” focuses on fictional responses to the major labor struggles of the late- nineteenth and early- twentieth century. His publications include a series of contributions to encyclopedia projects including Dictionary of Literary Biography, Encyclopedia of American Social Movements, Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor, and Class in America: An Encyclopedia. He has also written essays that appeared in African American Review and Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine. Dr. Noon's investigations into the heritage of the anthracite coal region and the social history of alcohol are reflected in his book, Yuengling: A History of America's Oldest Brewery, published in 2005.

Courses Taught

  • Foundations of College Writing
  • Composition II
  • Introduction to Literature