Marianna Wood

- Title(s)
- Associate Professor of Biology
- Department
- Education
Ph.D. University of Kansas, Biology
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4666
- Send an Email
0147 Hartline Science Center
Concepts in Biology 2 lecture and lab, Current Topics in Biology: Lyme Disease, Ecology lab, Concepts in Biology 1 lab
Research Interests
Foraging Behavior, Mammalogy, Forest Ecology, Biology Education
In 2019, Dr. Wood collaborated with undergraduate students to document behavior and space use by grey squirrels and eastern chipmunks on campus. She also collected acorns from a diverse group of oak species. After initial processing at BU, the acorn samples were sent to a colleague at Latvia University for Life Sciences and Technologies for additional analysis.
Wood MD and Wood JM. 2018. Saving time, increasing learning: Using checklists to help students perform disciplinary writing conventions. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 29(2):19-42.