Lam Nguyen


Professor and Chair of Department of Management

D.Mgt., Webster University

M.B.A., Webster University

B.S., Ha Noi University of Foreign Studies

B.S., University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

Contact Information


Dr. Lam D. Nguyen is tenured Full Professor and Chair of Department of Management and Co-Director of Global Business Institute at the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg, Lock Haven, and Mansfield). He is also a Research Fellow at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. Dr. Nguyen received his Doctor of Management degree and his MBA degree with an emphasis in International Business from Webster University. He has been on the editorial board and served as a Guest Editor of Special Issue in high quality refereed journals such as the International Journal of Public Administration. He has served as a Visiting Professor at Webster University Thailand and at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. Dr. Nguyen possesses a solid practitioner experience including various managerial and leadership positions he held in Vietnam and in the U.S. He has extensive teaching experience at both undergraduate and graduate levels including Executive MBA in the areas of Strategy, Leadership, Ethics, HRM, and International Business. Dr. Nguyen has published numerous articles in high quality refereed journals and proceedings, including International Journal of Manpower, Asia Pacific Business Review, Leadership & Organizational Development Journal, Journal of Management Development, and others. His areas of interest are leadership, ethics, strategic management, entrepreneurship, public administration, and cross cultural management.  

Dr. Nguyen has served as the faculty advisor of several student organizations including Global Business Association, Beta Gamma Sigma, and Society for Advancement of Management-BU Chapter. The Beta Gamma Sigma-BU Chapter received the Outstanding Chapter Award- Honorable Mention in 2015 in addition to multiple Highest Honors and Exemplary Chapter Awards since 2013.

Dr. Nguyen is a member of several prestigious honor societies including the International Honor Society Beta Gamma Sigma, International Honor Society in Business Administration, Lambda Kappa Chapter Delta Mu Delta, International Honor Society for Business, Management, and Administration Sigma Beta Delta, and the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.

Dr. Nguyen is a recipient of prestigious awards such as Emerald Best International Symposium Award and Best Reviewer Award from the Academy of Management, Provost’s Award for Excellence in Research/Scholarly Activity, College of Business Research Scholar, Student Organization Advisor of the Year, and Award of Excellence for Initiating Program of Distinction and Fostering Internationalism and Cultural Diversity.


  • Dr. Nguyen is a guest editor of a Special Issue on “Public Administration and Policy: Capacity Building for High Performing Public Organizations in Vietnam” which will be published in the Public Organization Review.
  • Dr. Nguyen took a group of 13 International Business major students on a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Trip to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam in May, 2024. During this 13-day trip, our students had a chance to visit MNCs such as Samsung Vina Electronics, Heineken, Masan Group and Guardian, and explore cultural and historical sites such as the Cu Chi Tunnel and the Independence Palace.
  • Dr. Nguyen is a guest editor of a Special Issue on "Public Administration and Policy in Vietnam" which has been published in the International Journal of Public Administration.

Student-Faculty Collaborative Research

  • Sarkessian, M., & Nguyen, L.D. (2018). Student’s perception on business ethics: An investigation of French students based on gender, age, and education.  SAM Advanced Management Journal, 82(4), 52-60.

Representative Refereed Journal Publications  

  • Pham, L.N.T., Vo, A.H.K., Nguyen, D.T., & Nguyen, L.D. (2024). How ethical leadership fosters the development of public university employees' social capital in Vietnam? A sequential mediation model. Public Organization Review. (Accepted for publication)
  • Pham, L.N.T., Nguyen, D.T., Vo, A.H.K., & Nguyen, L.D. (2024). Well-being of migrant workers in Taiwan during COVID-19 pandemic: the role of perceived organisational support, employee resilience and ethical leadership. International Journal of Manpower, 45(6), 1132-1149.
  • Vu, N.H., Nguyen, L.D., & Le, B.T.N. (2023). Participation of less productive firms in global value chains in transition economies: An analysis of SOEs and private firms in Vietnam. Public Organization Review.
  • Nguyen, P.D., Nguyen, N.P., Nguyen, L.D., & Le, T.H. (2022). The role of organizational justice and job satisfaction in mitigating turnover intention of emotionally exhausted employees: Evidence from Vietnam. Evidence-Based HRM, 11(2), 215-232.
  • Phung, T.M.T., Nguyen, L.D., Nguyen, T.H., & Pham, L.N.T. (2022). Technology readiness between public and private college students: An examination during the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Organization Review.
  • Vu, N.H, Bui, L.H., Tran, T.M., Ha, H.T., & Nguyen, L.D. (2022). Credit access and zombie firms: A study on state-owned, private, and foreign-invested firms in a transition economy. International Journal of Public Administration, 46(12), 833-846.
  • Grandzol, C., Nguyen, L.D., & Mboga, J. (2021). Caught in the Corporate Social Responsibility cul-de-sac: LaborVoices seeks a path forward for supply chain labor rights transparency. Southeast Case Research Journal, 18(1), 128-144.
  • Lau, W-K., Nguyen, L.D., Pham, L.N.T., & Cernas-Ortiz, D.A. (2021). The mediating role of harmony in effective leadership in China: from a Confucianism perspective. Asia Pacific Business Review, 29(3), 546-569.
  • Tran, Y.T., Nguyen, N.P., & Nguyen, L.D. (2020). Results-oriented culture and organizational performance: The mediating role of financial accountability in public sector organizations in Vietnam. International Journal of Public Administration, 45(3), 257-272.
  • Lau, W-K., Pham, N.L.T, & Nguyen, L.D. (2019). Remapping the construct of paternalistic leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 40(7), 764-776.
  • Nguyen, L.D., Tanner, T., & Pham, L.N.T. (2019). Cross-culture management: An empirical examination on task and relationship orientations of Japanese and Omani working adults. International Journal of Human Resources: Development and Management, 19(1), 92-103. DOI:
  • Nguyen, L.D., Ermasova, N., & Pham, L.N.T.  (2018). Leadership and stress orientation of Japanese and Russian working adults. Global Business Review, 19(4), 968-987.
  • Ermasova, N., Wagner, S., & Nguyen, L.D. (2017). The impact of education, diversity, professional development and age on personal business ethics of business students in Russia. Journal of Management Development, 36(3), 410-426.

Advisor, Global Business Association

The purpose of the Global Business Association (GBA) is to help students appreciate cross-cultural differences, trends in globalization and its effect on society, and the growing importance of business operations across national borders.  In addition, it organizes activities and events that promote cultural awareness and diversity on campus and advance the professional development of those interested in international business.