Kimberly Johnson


CommonwealthU University Employee
Professor of Sociology

 PhD. 2000 University of North Texas 

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • Economic Sociology
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Sociological Theory
  • Social Change
  • Society and the State
  • Sociology of Libertarian Thought

Areas of Expertise

  • Sociological Theory, Political Sociology, Medical Sociology and Social Change

Courses Developed:

  • Economic Sociology
  • Sociology of Libertarian Thought
  • Sociology of Conservative Thought
  • Sociological Research
  • Society and the State
  • Sociology of Religion
  • Urban and Rural Patterns
  • Medical Sociology

Programs Developed

  • Industry and Economics concentration in the Sociology Program

Scholarly Work:

Johnson, Kimberly. 2016. Homebirth, Midwives, and the State: A Libertarian Look. Libertarian Papers. Volume 8 (2): 256-278.

MaryKris Mcilwaine with Kimberly Alexander, Nili Kirschner, Ovetta Robinson-Heyward, and Janine Schipper. 2012. Sociology: A Contemporary Approach. New Social Science Press.

MaryKris Mcilwaine with Kimberly Alexander, Nili Kirschner, Ovetta Robinson-Heyward, and Janine Schipper. 2012. Instructor’s Manual -- Sociology: A Contemporary Approach. New Social Science Press.

Alexander, Kimberly A. and Annessa Braux. 1997. “Ethelyn Clara Davis” in Women and Sociology: Past and Present. Easterling, Calvin H., Brenda Philips and Pat Nation (Eds.), New York: Wittier Publishing.

Recent Presentations

Libertarian Thought on the College Campus: Fostering the Free Exchange of Ideas, Critical Thinking, and Peaceful Self-Determination. 2019. Libertarian Scholars Conference. New York, New York.

Homebirth, Monopoly, and the Nonaggression Principle. 2015. Pennsylvania Sociological Society. Edinboro, PA.

Midwives, Physicians and the State: A Libertarian Look. 2015. Mises Institute. Austrian Economics Research Conference. Auburn, AL.

Why Privacy Matters. Sociology’s Conversation on Issues. 2015. Lock Haven University, University Open Lecture.


Sociology Club

Young Americans for Liberty

Research Areas

Sociological Implications of Cryptocurrency, Sociological Theory, Libertarian Theory