Joseph Calabrese


CommonwealthU University Employee
Professor of Biology

Ph.D., Environmental Microbiology — West Virginia University (1988)

M.S.Ed., Microbiology / Natural Science — Gannon University (1984)

B.S., Ecology and Environmental Biology — Gannon University (1982)

Postdoctoral Student Fellow, Microbial Diversity — Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory (1990-94)

Contact Information

Courses Most Commonly Taught

  • Microbiology
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Basic Biology
  • Biology Senior Seminar
  • Science Seminar (nonmajors)

Areas of Expertise

Environmental Microbiology / Microbial Ecology. Students in my laboratory are engaged in bacteriological research investigating a variety of topics in areas related to aquatic systems, food products, wetland sediments, geological specimens, and animal systems.  

Some current research projects include:  

  • Prevalence of antibiotic-resistant indicator bacteria / pathogens (focus on VRE, CRE, CA-MRSA) in various environments
  • Isolation of ancient bacteria from 40-60 MYO enhydro agates
  • Application of constructed wetlands treating high N-load landfill leachate
  • Characterization of bacterial flora in bats afflicted with White Nose Syndrome

Courses Developed

  • Environmental Microbiology

Programs Developed

Member of the Science Crew faculty and co-developer of the Environmental Science Field School program aboard the U.S. Brig Niagara.  LHU students enrolled in the Great Lakes Field Ecology Summer Internship undertake a 3-week rigorous cross-disciplinary science program investigating many aspects of the Great Lakes.  In this program, students are also receive full training in the art of square rig sailing aboard Niagara.

Professional Publications


Raudabaugh, D.B., M. B. Tzolov, J.P. Calabrese, B.E. Overton. 2013.  Synthesis of silver nanoparticles by a bryophilous Rhizoctonia species.  International Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology.  3 (2):1-6.

Thunberg, R.L., A.J. Sexstone, J.P. Calabrese, and G.K. Bissonnette. 2001. Effects of Antecedent Fermentative and Respiratory Growth on the Enumeration and Repair of Chloramine-stressed Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. Can. J. Microbiol. 47:777-781.

McKeon, D. M., J. P. Calabrese, and G. K. Bissonnette. 1995. Antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative Bacteria in Rural Groundwater Supplies. Water Research 29:1902-1908.

Calabrese, J. P. and G. K. Bissonnette. 1990. Improved Membrane Filtration Method Incorporating Catalase and Sodium Pyruvate for Detection of Chlorine-Stressed Coliform Bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 56:3558-3564.

Calabrese, J. P. and G. K. Bissonnette. 1990. Improved Detection of Acid Mine Water Stressed Coliform Bacteria on Media Containing Catalase and Sodium Pyruvate. Can. J. Microbiol. 36:544-550.  


Krikorian, R., C. Hartley, K. Housel, K. Orndorff, and J.P. Calabrese. 1999. Technical Summary Report on the Habitat Assessment Study of Kettle Creek and Select Tributaries of Kettle Creek: July - August 1998. Published by the KCWA Board of Directors. 35 p.

Esposit, T., A. Keen, and J.P. Calabrese. 1999. A Practical Guide for Conducting a Habitat Assessment Study - Part I: Site Selection and Physical Parameter Assessment. Published by the KCWA Board of Directors. 11 p.

Esposit, T., A. Keen, and J.P. Calabrese. 1999. A Practical Guide for Conducting a Habitat Assessment Study - Part II: Analysis of Chemical parameters of Water. Published by the KCWA Board of Directors. 11 p.

Hartley and J.P. Calabrese. 1999. A Practical Guide for Conducting a Habitat Assessment Study - Part III: Identification of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in the Kettle Creek Watershed. Published by the KCWA Board of Directors. 33 p.

Sexstone, A.J., J.G. Skousen, J.P. Calabrese, D.K. Bhumbla, J. Cliff, J.C. Scencindiver, and G.K. Bissonnette. Iron Removal from Acid Mine Drainage by Wetlands. In Proceedings of the National Meeting of the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation. Phoenix, AZ. August 13-19.

Skousen, J.G., A.J. Sexstone, J. Cliff, P. Sterner, J.P. Calabrese, and P. Ziemkiewicz. 1999. Acid Mine Drainage Treatment with a Combined Wetland/Anoxic Limestone Drain: Greenhouse and Field Systems. In Proceedings of the National Meeting of the American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation. Phoenix, AZ. August 13-19.

Calabrese, J. P., A. J. Sexstone, D. K. Bhumbla, G. K. Bissonnette, and J. C. Sencindiver. 1991. Application of Constructed Cattail Wetlands for the Removal of Iron From Acid Mine Drainage. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Abatement of Acidic Drainage. Montreal, Canada. Sept. 16-18, 8 pp.

Calabrese, J. P., A. J. Sexstone, D. K. Bhumbla, J. C. Sencindiver, G. K. Bissonnette, and J. G. Skousen. 1991. Chemical and Microbiological Modification of Acid Mine Drainage Using Constructed Typha Wetlands. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual West Virginia Surface Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium. Morgantown, WV. April 3-4. pp 152-163.


Otte, M., J. Calabrese, and H. Bechtold. 2015. The influence of nanoparticles (n-TiO2 and n-Ag) on germination and plant growth. CPUB 2015, Indiana University of PA.

Callaghan, J.D., Dickson, L.D., and Calabrese, J.P., 2014, Discovery of Phyllobacterium sp. in ancient enhydro agate void water from the Paleocene Period, Allegheny Branch American Society for Microbiology Annual Fall Meeting, November 8th, Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA, p. 5. – First Place Winner Platform Presentation.

Morrow C. *, S. Lose, M. Manning, J. Calabrese, S. Coval, B. Overton, 2014.  Bio-prospecting Fungi in a Cave Environment in Search of Novel Antibiotics. CPUB 2014, Bloomsburg University of PA. – Second Place Winner Platform Presentation.  

Morrow, C.B., Callaghan, J.D., Dickson, L.D., and Calabrese, J.P., 2014, An Innovative Search for Ancient Life: Discovery of Microbes Trapped Within Enhydro Agates. CPUB 2014, Bloomsburg University of PA. p. 59. – First Place Winner Poster Presentation

Butler, E., Carmichael, A., Callahan, J., Dickson, L., and Calabrese, J., 2014, An Inquiry into Microorganisms Contained in Enhydro Agate Water: A Geochemical and Geomicrobiological Study. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section 49th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 46, n.2, p. 64.

Demergis, N., M.J. Maresch, and J.P. Calabrese. 2014. Antimicrobial assessment of synthesized bis-penicillin derivatives against known bacterial strains.  CPUB 2014, Bloomsburg University of PA. – Second Place Winner Poster Presentation. Session II: Cell and Molecular Biology.

Lewis, M.T., S.B. O’Neill, B.E. Overton, and J.P. Calabrese. 2014. Isolation and characterization of bacterial flora associated with White Nose Syndrome (WNS) caused by Pseudogymnoascus destructans. CPUB 2014, Bloomsburg University of PA.

Stutzman, S.A., M.G. Otte, I.C. Senevirathne, and J.P. Calabrese. 2014. Bacterial growth curve studies and nanoscale characterization of Bacillus subtilis biofilms on single crystalline quartz. CPUB 2014, Bloomsburg University of PA.

Morrow, S. Lose, M. Manning, J. Calabrese, S. Coval, and B. Overton. 2014. Bio-prospecting Fungi in a Cave Environment in Search of Novel Antibiotics. CPUB 2014, Bloomsburg University of PA.  

Lose, M. Lewis, J. Calabrese, S. Coval, and B. Overton*, 2014. Classification and antimicrobial secondary metabolite examination of unknown endophytic fungi isolated from Goodyera pubescens (Willd.) R. Br. from Lamar, Pennsylvania. LHU Eighth (8th) Annual Celebration of Scholarship (COS). April 23, 2014.

Marion T. Lewis, Scott B. O’Neill, Barrie E. Overton, and Joseph P. Calabrese. 2014. Isolation and Characterization of Bacterial Flora Associated with White Nose Syndrome Caused by Pseudogymnoascus destructans. LHU Eighth (8th) Annual Celebration of Scholarship (COS). April 23, 2014.

Marisa A. Zohner and Joseph P. Calabrese. 2014. Identification of Unknown Bacterial Species Isolated from a Captive Pogona vitticeps (Central Bearded Dragon). LHU Eighth (8th) Annual Celebration of Scholarship (COS). April 23, 2014.

Griffith, P., Maresch, M., Molinaro, D., Penrose, J., Dickson, L., and Calabrese, J., 2013, Investigation of the Composition and Origin of Fugitive Dust in Lattimer Mines, Pennsylvania: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section 48th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, n. 1, p. 56.

Costello, A., Kovac, A., Dickson, L., Overton, B., and Calabrese, J., 2013, Using Mushrooms as Bioaccumulators of Environmental Contaminants: Geological Society of America Northeastern Section 48th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, n. 1, p. 55.

Krupnik, B., Dickson, L., Johnston, B., and Calabrese, J., 2013, Investigation into Membrane Fouling of a Water Ultra-Filtration System: Lock Haven University Celebration of Scholarship, April 24th, 2013.