John Okpara

- Title(s)
- Professor
- Department
- Education
Ph.D., New York University
M.A., City University of New York City College
M.S., Sate University of New York Maritime College
BSc., Birkbeck, University of London
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4123
- Send an Email
333 Sutliff Hall
The cornerstone of my teaching is to help students develop their critical thinking skills. To help students develop critical thinking skill is to create a positive learning environment by respecting and promoting intellectual diversity. This allows students to share their ideas openly with other students and the teacher. Respecting and promoting intellectual diversity require a deeper understanding of how diversity manifests inside and outside of the classroom.
- MGMT 576 – Global Business (G)
- MGMT 581 – Strategic Management (G)
- MGMT 356 – Global Business (UG)
- MGMT 456 – International Management (UG)
- MGMT 497 - Business Policies (UG)
Representative Refereed Journal Publications
- Okpara, J.O., Kabongo J.D., & Lau, Wai-Kwan. "Effects of pre-departure and post-arrival cross-cultural trainings on expatriates’ adjustment: A study of Chinese expatriates in Nigeria" (accepted for publication) in the Thunderbird International Business Review.
- Okpara, J.O. & Kabongo J.D. Cross-cultural training and expatriates adjustment: Evidence from western expatriates in Nigeria, International Journal of Business and Globalisation. (in press)
- Kabongo, Jean D. & Okpara, John O. (2019). Timing and speed of internationalization: Evidence from African banks. Journal of Business Research, 102(C), 12-20.