John Okpara


John Okpara

Ph.D., New York University

M.A., City University of New York City College

M.S., Sate University of New York Maritime College

BSc., Birkbeck, University of London

Contact Information

The cornerstone of my teaching is to help students develop their critical thinking skills. To help students develop critical thinking skill is to create a positive learning environment by respecting and promoting intellectual diversity. This allows students to share their ideas openly with other students and the teacher. Respecting and promoting intellectual diversity require a deeper understanding of how diversity manifests inside and outside of the classroom.


  • MGMT 576 – Global Business (G)
  • MGMT 581 – Strategic Management (G)
  • MGMT 356 – Global Business (UG)
  • MGMT 456 – International Management (UG)
  • MGMT 497 - Business Policies (UG)

Representative Refereed Journal Publications

  • Okpara, J.O., Kabongo J.D., & Lau, Wai-Kwan. "Effects of pre-departure and post-arrival cross-cultural trainings on expatriates’ adjustment: A study of Chinese expatriates in Nigeria" (accepted for publication) in the Thunderbird International Business Review.
  • Okpara, J.O. & Kabongo J.D. Cross-cultural training and expatriates adjustment: Evidence from western expatriates in Nigeria, International Journal of Business and Globalisation. (in press)
  • Kabongo, Jean D. & Okpara, John O. (2019). Timing and speed of internationalization: Evidence from African banks. Journal of Business Research, 102(C), 12-20.