John Barrett


John Barrett
Associate Professor

B.S.B.A., Business Administration — Boston University

M.A., English Writing and Literature — Hollins University

M.F.A., Creative Writing, Fiction and Nonfiction — Virginia Commonwealth University

Contact Information
Office Hours


11:30 AM - 3:00 PM

- Virtual


11:30 AM - 3:00 PM

- Virtual


11:00AM - 1:00 PM

- In-Person


I've taught writing and literature at Commonwealth University- Bloomsburg campus since the fall of 2003. I'm constantly researching teaching methodologies, and I keep up with the latest research on learning, writing instruction, memory, motivation, and skill development strategies for first year college students, especially underserved and underprepared populations. Teaching a difficult skill like writing online is certainly challenging, so I have taken professional development courses, and continue to improve as on online educator.  

I earned my Masters degree in English Writing and Literature at Hollins University, where I was awarded the Melanie Hook Rice prize for best novel-in-progress.  I earned my MFA in Creative Writing from Virginia Commonwealth University. I’ve published memoir, fiction, and poetry, most recently in Hippocampus Magazine, Front Porch Journal, Microfiction Monday Magazine, and Ex Libris

My current book projects include a memoir about growing up without my father, then meeting him after a thirty-year absence, called Sh-Boom, Sh-Boom, Life Could be a Dream, Sweetheart: A Playlist Memoir. He sang high tenor for the 1950s vocal group The Crew Cuts, singers of nine top ten hits, including the iconic “Sh-Boom” (the song appeared in the animated movie Cars). I’m also writing a psychological horror novel about the soul, grief, and memory, as houses (objects that trigger memories) literally consume their occupants. An apocalypse of disappearing residents. Tentative title: Taproot.  

I recently received my certification as a fitness coach, specializing in the health and wellness for people over forty. I appeared in the horror fiction podcast, The Disposers, in its first, and sadly only, season: I’m a voice actor in the cast (Old God). I play competitive softball, bartend once in a while, read a lot, hike and bike, and enjoy exploring new places.

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