Jennifer Venditti

- Title(s)
- Professor & Medical Imaging Program Director
- Department
- Education
Ph.D., Molecular Biology — Lehigh University
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4780
- Send an Email
266 Hartlien Science Center
- Human Biology, Introduction to Health Care Practice, Health Care Practicum, Health Sciences Seminar
Research Interests
Andrology, fertilization, sperm architecture/morphology
Current research in my laboratory is focused on:
- Evaluating the reproductive role of α-L-fucosidase in Danio rerio (Zebrafish)
- Evaluating the reproductive role of synapsin proteins in Syrian hamsters
Research Presentation
McDowell, MC and Venditti JJ. “Fishing for alpha-L-fucosidase: Evaluating Enzyme Activity in Zebrafish (Danio rerio). 6th Annual PASSHE Student Research Conference in STEM, Kutztown, PA (November 2019).
Ryver RN, Coleman WL, and Venditti JJ. “Investigating the presence of synapsin proteins in hamster sperm.” Beta Beta Beta Northeast District Convention (March 2019) and Bloomsburg University College of Science and Technology Research Day, Bloomsburg, PA (April 2019).
Burroughs S, Schwindinger WF, Venditti JJ, Trautwein T, Dalsania A, Klingerman CM. 2018. Prokineticin-2 and ghrelin robustly influence the sexual and ingestive behaviors of female Syrian hamsters. Hormones and Behavior 106: 135-143.
Cumberledge EA, Dixon CB, Venditti JJ, and Andreacci, JL. 2018. The effect of the menstrual cycle on the reliability of contact-electrode bioelectrical impedance analyzers. International Journal of Exercise Science 11(4): 625 - 632.
Bloomsburg University Faculty Research & Scholarship Minigrant, April 2019, “Evaluating alpha-L-fucosidase Activity and its Potential Role in Reproduction Using Zebrafish (Danio rerio)." PI: Jennifer J. Venditti.
- Bloomsburg University Margin of Excellence Grant to Drs. Venditti and Coleman, May 2018, “Investigating the Reproductive Role of Synapsin Proteins Using a Hamster In Vitro Fertilization Model System.”