Jeff Leitzel


Associate Professor of Psychology

Ph.D., Marywood University 

M.A., Marywood College 

B.S., Penn State University 

Contact Information

“Supervising undergraduate practicum, I find it very rewarding to play a role in our students’ transitions from nervous “newbies” to blossoming professionals by the end of the practicum experience. It is also always great to hear from former students about how well our advanced experimental design course prepared them for their graduate school statistics coursework.”

“Don’t be afraid of doing things that may not seem to be directly connected with what you want to do. We live in a world of interconnected systems which are often connected in ways that may not be readily apparent to students who are getting their first experience in an area related to psychology.”


PSYCH 131 Psychology of Adjustment and Well-being 
PSYCH 160 Applied Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 
PSYCH 210 Lifespan Psychology 
PSYCH 211 Early Child Development 
PSYCH 212 Adolescent Development 
PSYCH 235 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology 
PSYCH 254 Psychological Aspects of Social Issues 
PSYCH 335 Psychological Disorders 
PSYCH 401 History of Psychology 
PSYCH 406 Psychology Seminar 
PSYCH 464 Advanced Experimental Design 
PSYCH 497 Psychology Practicum