Janet Reynolds Bodenman

- Title(s)
- Professor of Communication Studies
- Department
- Contact Information
- Bloomsburg
- 570-389-4579
- Send an Email
1103 McCormick Center for Human Services
Dr. Bodenman earned her Ph.D. in Organizational Communication from The Pennsylvania State University, joining the faculty at Bloomsburg University in 1991. With an applied communication focus, her teaching and research interests center on interpersonal and small group processes within organizations. She regularly teaches Communication Training in Organizations, Leadership and Teambuilding, Interviewing, Organizational Communication Theory, Communication and Conflict, Communication in the Family, Public Speaking, and Interpersonal Communication. She has been awarded an Outstanding Teaching Award from the Bloomsburg University Teaching and Learning Enhancement center, and subsequently was selected to serve as co-chair of the center for six years.
Since coming to Bloomsburg University Dr. Bodenman has given more than one hundred and twenty invited presentations and workshops to on campus clubs, groups, and classes, and has spoken to thirty-five different community groups. She has developed lectures, activities, and workshops on nonverbal communication, communication skills for resolving interpersonal conflict, developing decision-making and leadership skills for self and group, communication assertiveness, negotiation skills, public speaking, building confidence, and effective communication in the selection interview. These were presented to health care workers, teachers, doctors, bankers, forestry workers, credit union employees, human resources professionals, managers, and higher education staff and students.
Dr. Bodenman is a certified mediator, a former grievance chair coordinator, and has served as a consultant to non-profit groups such as the Bloomsburg Community Friendship Meal, the American Red Cross, the Bloomsburg YMCA, the Bloomsburg Women’s Center, Downtown Bloomsburg, Inc., Geisinger Medical Center, Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit, and for-profits like PennDot, The Meadows Psychiatric Facility, State College Architectural firm, Nautilus and Fitness, and educational institutions such as the Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit; Communication Studies Department at SUNY Oneonta, TRIo Upward Bound, PASSHE Human Resource Professionals, and the Department’s of Forestry and of Political Science at The Pennsylvania State University.
Service to the department and the university encompasses much of the time she spends outside of teaching and research. She has served on most of the major university wide committees and departmental committees, and is currently serving as a member of the Bloomsburg University Curriculum Committee, and as chair of the departmental evaluation committee. She was awarded an assessment fellowship to co-write a comprehensive test for majors, has won a Dean’s Salute to Excellence Award, and has served as a Bloomsburg University Commencement Speaker.
Dr. Bodenman has been active on the editorial boards of Communication Research Reports, Journal of the Pacific Northwest, and the Pennsylvania Communication Annual, and has held leadership positions in the Pennsylvania Communication Association, Eastern Communication Association, and National Communication Association mainly in the area of applied communication. Convention papers, and publication and manuscript submissions, focus on the communication of employee-employer fit in the selection interview, as well as other areas of interest such as work-life balance, conflict management processes, building groups into teams, social support for grief/loss or parents of twins, parent-care giver communication during times of loss of child, and application of applied communication strategies in the classroom.